Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity by kerry cohen - I thought the book started out really good. More about the thought process that was behind her choices... the whys... but it seemed to lose that connection for me.
I picked the book because my daughter is growing up in a home without a father and from what I have studied there are three ways these girls wind up (which really is true for all girls but skewed for girls in her situation)... they need the attention of men (hence the reading of the book because I see this in her.... she wants a dad), they hate men, or they have a normal attitude towards men.
So back to the book. It started out showing me more of the thought process but that part weakened over the book. I was hoping to get ideas on how to talk to my daughter to prevent this type of thinking and action. the theory thAT if you know the thought process you can give valid arguments...
ended up being ok book