[It had been snowing and cold for a while. Especially odd after a flower festival. Red wasn't much for cold, though he could stand it. Either way, today Lucas's hawk was taking a break today. Lucas was on his way to get some food for the both of them to eat. Perhaps Zeke would be there with that weird delicious chilly stew. Or that AMAZING drink.
Woah now, who's that staggering through the snow? Is that Zevran? He hadn't heard a word from him since their awkward hug-encounter. Lucas pauses for a moment. Zevran looks cold, freezing. Lucas's mind goes instantly back to the last time he saw someone like that. Remy.
He has to help. Has to. Lucas begins to rush to Zevran's side, trying to hide his panic.]
[It takes him a little longer than usual to realize someone's speaking to him. The words are distant, hard to hear. But, Zevran hauls his head up enough to try and focus on the human.]
Ah... hello.
[While his voice is weak, he smiles. Even half-frozen he still makes game attempt to summon up that old Antivan charm.]
[There's no blushing, no stammering. Lucas has a goal and he is focussed. His tone is immensely serious and he refuses to look at Zevran as he speaks. His eyes remain looking forward.]
[Maybe some other time, he would be delighted by this change. But, right now, he's currently more interested in the provided warmth of the man supporting him.
[This would be vastly embarrassing if he weren't so cold. The warden would never have let him hear the end of it. But the warden isn't here. This lovely individual is. A lovely individual who is likely supporting the entirety of the elf's weight by now.]
Shall I t-tell you of the time w-with the merchant prince, and his p-prized pearls...?
[Hoist! Over the shoulder you go, Zevran. Once Lucas realized he was supporting all of Zevran's weight, this was clearly the easier option. The pod's in sight now.]
[He grunts at that, but isn't in any shape to protest the treatment. The elf hangs like a sack of potatoes -- an attractive sack of potatoes, but still.]
Ah... yes. There was... the prince. Very fond of his pearls. Always... hiding them.
[He trails off for a few seconds, his voice and expression distant. Why is he talking? It's too damn cold.]
... In bodily places. Amusing diversion, to find them... until I hid them... in his throat.
[Lucas laughs at Zevran's stories. It made him miss home a little bit. One of the best parts of having your guild run out of a tavern was the great stories about the kills. Lucas had a dark sense of humor.]
What'd he do t'deserve that?
[Yay pod! Lucas opens the door and carries the elf inside.
Inside, Red is perched on the sofa. He ruffles his feathers.]
[This should totally explain everything. He'd probably elaborate, were he not trying to conserve all energy to the effort of conserving body heat. The sudden change in temperature gets a little gasp of surprise out of him, and he lifts his head.]
Woah now, who's that staggering through the snow? Is that Zevran? He hadn't heard a word from him since their awkward hug-encounter. Lucas pauses for a moment. Zevran looks cold, freezing. Lucas's mind goes instantly back to the last time he saw someone like that. Remy.
He has to help. Has to. Lucas begins to rush to Zevran's side, trying to hide his panic.]
Ah... hello.
[While his voice is weak, he smiles. Even half-frozen he still makes game attempt to summon up that old Antivan charm.]
Lucas wastes no time. He puts his arm around Zevran and lifts up a little, letting the elf lean on him, but more or less carrying him.]
This... is a little forward for you... yes?
[But he holds on to the support. Body heat is nice.]
Ain't gonna let y'freeze t'death.
And, at least, he's started shivering again.]
That is... m-most kind of you.
Don't thank me yet. Jus' keep talkin, yeah?
[This would be vastly embarrassing if he weren't so cold. The warden would never have let him hear the end of it. But the warden isn't here. This lovely individual is. A lovely individual who is likely supporting the entirety of the elf's weight by now.]
Shall I t-tell you of the time w-with the merchant prince, and his p-prized pearls...?
Yeah? Go on 'n tell me that one.
Ah... yes. There was... the prince. Very fond of his pearls. Always... hiding them.
[He trails off for a few seconds, his voice and expression distant. Why is he talking? It's too damn cold.]
... In bodily places. Amusing diversion, to find them... until I hid them... in his throat.
What'd he do t'deserve that?
[Yay pod! Lucas opens the door and carries the elf inside.
Inside, Red is perched on the sofa. He ruffles his feathers.]
[This should totally explain everything. He'd probably elaborate, were he not trying to conserve all energy to the effort of conserving body heat. The sudden change in temperature gets a little gasp of surprise out of him, and he lifts his head.]
Where is this?
's m'pod. Didn't think o' where else t'go. Now get outta those. Y'were wanderin' in th' snow. Layin' there in wet clothes just gonna make ya worse.
This... this is so forward... and I am not even drunk.
I'm tryin' t'save yer life. Y'wanna freeze t'death? Drag yourself and yer mouth back out there. If y'd rather live, y'best do what I say.
[Yeah, he's getting frustrated. Maybe it would have been easier if Zevran was unconscious. Remy had been. That was a piece of cake.]
[No, it wasn't, but that tone registers moreso than the actual words do. Now that they're indoors, it's becoming even more difficult to remain awake.
His hand continues pawing at the buckles, until he curses, and tries for a different set -- fingers not obeying his commands.]
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