Year in Review

Dec 24, 2005 03:06

It's a few days early, but let's review 2005.

-On January 23rd, Erin and I started dating. Our relationship has helped me through harder times than I've ever had.
-Immediately following Spring Semester, I got my license. After a few months my mother and I found an affordable car (Abigail), and within three months I'd been involved in a small fender bender in a parking lot and running a red light. Both had mitigating circumstances, but that does not matter. My insurance premiums went up, and I don't know if I'll be able to afford the car.
-In August, my beloved dog Frisky had to be put to sleep at age 15.
-In October, my father passed away at age 54. I still do not know if his wishes for my brother and I will be fulfilled.
-In December, his widow and my step mother, Mary Mullin, passed away.
-Yesterday, my Mary and my father's cat, Tomcat, had to be put to sleep. He was very old and sick, but still a gentle and sweet little guy.

In between the grief, there have been some of the most incredible experiences of my life. I have stayed in contact with my good friends. Fall semester, I made Dean's List for the first time in my life. I love the things I study in school, History and English. But you'll understand if I will probably not remember much of this year fondly. Goodbye 2005. I don't update livejournal much anymore, as you'll notice, but you can always try my cell if you want to catch up.
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