Dec 12, 2005 12:35
Started a new thread at BGW to continue from the other one below; pasted here:
The current cost of hosting TF is $40.00/month.
The new semi-dedicated server we're looking at is $74.95/month.
So that's basically twice what we've been paying.
We currently have $40.00 in the PayPal account. We just had to waste $40- on a month of hosting that basically never got used except for their tech department. So that's where that stands.
If you wish to become a subscriber, or make a donation, please contact Misplaced Misfit ( and she can give you the PayPal info. (We aren't able to accept donations by mail; we had a PO Box for a while but didn't get enough donations by mail to make it worth the cost.)
If we can get 20 people to donate $5-, there's a month's hosting on a semi-dedicated, with a little extra to go towards the next month. For the long-term, we would need to consistently have a donations goal of $100- per month, so that the forum account will have that cushion when hard times come.
And as I mentioned, at this time we're not decided on perks and such for subscribers/donators, so I can't make any promises concerning such. ;)