Misdirected Rage

May 01, 2007 14:06

Wow - the homeless on Bank St. need to get a clue.

There was an "organized" protest against the Bank Street Business Association today.

They turned up on Gloucester St. around 1pm with a bunch of police tagging along, crossed Bank, doubled back and parked themselves outside my building.

Lots of yelling, etc. ensued and then they started passing out eggs.

Yes, eggs.

The offices they were looking for were on the 2nd floor around the corner on Bank St. proper, not Gloucester. I stuck my head out to let them know but they proceeded to egg our main office, our meeting room, and our new office space right next door on the floor. All the windows along Gloucester except the last four (owned by an unrelated marketing company) are ours.

The protest was primarily about legalizing pan-handling. Which under some circumstances I could agree with (but wait, isn't that busking?) What upset me was that among the protesters (especially those with eggs) are some of the most miserable, aggressive, and strung out of upper Bank St.'s homeless. I know because I live and work in their playground.

Some quick picks by one of my employees follow - sorry all for the rant!


*here's hoping LJ Cuts work*

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