Dec 24, 2005 04:48
so i don't know where to start...
i could begin from today and then work myself backwards
i can do the conventional chronological time line.
decisions, decisions, decisions...
so an overview if you will...
the plane ride was a long trip and the closer i got the more nerve racking it became.
i guess i was nervous about this certain person; you know the person i am NOT talking about but really am...
i mean the whole situation was out of a movie but the movies don't show how awkward the whole damn thing could be. well to my surprise i think we handled it all really well. after an awesome walk around west cliff (beers in hand) and a good dinner, it seemed to settle some of my insecurities. i really missed her company...or rather missed her...
Broke Back Mountain...
soooooo goood! when i was sitting in the movie theatre with everyone, i truly felt like i was home...oh and the hot sex scenes with some sexy sexy leading men wasn't bad either.
we all also got a bonus feature of a wonderful rendition of "dick" and "anus" by hipps, livs, and ey!
Saturns...on many occasions:
was always a lovely time
but the first time was a little troubling...
i hope cam is okay i do worry about that girl...
plus the damn food got me sick!
second occasion:
awesome time with many many lovely people
discovered whiskey with a coffee shake is quite excellent
and watched a very sad departure between good friends...
lesbian potluck...i mean who could ask for more!??
cam and tina's game...i think we made an impression on the parents...haha...TEAM GAY!!!
a game of tag in the park, which to nobody's surprise turned into a wrestling match...hella rad.
a date with mia, sorry we couldn't talk more when there was some sort of audience...ahem you know what i am talking about. ha.
drunk drunk drunk!!!
SINGING...SM you rock and for this i give you a huge "love tap"
TABOO (sober)
so now i am back in san diego...
andrew gave me a huge hug...weirdo but i am happy he is not pissed at me, well at least not to my face.
my mom cooks me love her sometimes...haha.
i went to syriana with my mom, the movie just was thought provoking...makes me angry. but i guess we won't learn our lesson until we fuck ourselves over and not have any natural resources left....fucking assholes.
the waves are insane, yesterday the surf was 20+ i watched andrew surf....haha he is actually good, surprise surprise.
i guess i bring the rain with me....grrrrrrrrrr
oh and i guess tomorrow i should do some christmas shopping...
happy holidays everyone!!