I kill mom's flowers.... surprisingly enough a few hours later these flowers were back to their perky selves. I was shocked and relieved!
I burn myself "cooking".
.....kill my handicapped dog! Awwww she is sooo cute.
This is a funny goofy face picture of the both of us. Ignore my goofy face and look at Hailey's. Tooo cute!
As you can tell my family was gone all week, it was nice to have the house to myself for a week.
Friday's wisdom tooth pulling was not as adventurous as the blood testing on Tuesday. And I'm happy to say I'm recovering quite nicely from the tooth pulling, better than last time. *knocks on wood*
Since Friday I was a bum and laid around all day, I finished watching "Prison Break" season 1. This is my new addiction and I can not get enough of it! 1 week until the new season! YAY!
I think its about 19 or 20 more sleeps until Josh comes home. LoL. For those who don't know (which is most of you) Josh has gone to Calgary for a month to work. He left today at 1pm and I'm a pathetic baby who misses him already.... So yeah I'm not sure the exact date he gets back...but its not till September, so I just counted from today until September 1st....so expect a lot of whining from me for the next few posts. Sorry in advance..I will try my best not to be a loser!