It takes a very very patient man to love me. Glad I found him!
For those who do not know I have the worlds WORST memory! I forget things ALL the time!
Take Saturday for instance, I stayed at
angeloftheabyss house on Friday night and Saturday we went tanning and shopping. While sitting in the tanning salon I realize my cell phone is missing, I know I haven't lost it because its physically impossible for this thing to fall out of my purse with out me noticing. So I've obviously left it at Josh's house. The phone was indeed at Josh's house but it caused stress for me because I couldn't remember leaving it at his house. I also wanted my cell phone for the evening because Josh was working late that night and instead of calling my house so late I wanted him to call my cell when he was done work. So it caused unnecessary stress trying to figure out how he could get a hold of me when he was done working. (BTW there was no time to run back to his house to grab it as I had to go for Grandma's 75th birthday dinner)
I also left both my bracelet he got me last year for my birthday and the ring he got me this year for Christmas in the room at the tanning salon!! Luckily we hadn't wandered off to far from the salon and we were able to run back and claim them before someone swiped them! The look on his face was "I hate you!" I'm sure of it, at that moment he would have liked to walk away and leave me at the mall! But he didn't.
Sunday wasn't too bad for memory, except for the fact I thought I lost my cell phone again but I had given it to him, and than I asked him twice if he wanted some of my ice cream. He just smiled and politely said "you already asked me that hun"
*sigh* He has the patience of a Buddhist Monk.