Our work server sucks. We had the slightest power blip and BAM the server is down. No access to email or Client Base and we can't find our *sarcasm* excellent computer guy. Today is also a pretty slow day as a lot of the cruise line companies are closed due to Hurricane Wilma.
So last week I left you with a rather interesting entry with the just the "F" word to read. Sorry bad bad day!
- So yes work stressed me out majorly last week. My one agent is away and the other agent who is still here seems to have her head up her ass. Pretty much all last week she was quite rude to me (she does that often, gets moody so is rude) but on one of my busier days last week she calls me over to her desk and asks rudely "Why haven't you come to my desk at all today? Can't you see I'm swamped?" I give her a blank stare and think "Excuse me?" She than proceeds to ask if Vivian (the other agent) left me a lot of work? Which I proceed with "Well of course she did and I have clients who are calling in *shrugs* I really can't help that." She sort of brushed it off but still wasn't nice the rest of the week. She just doesn't have any manners I guess. Or she is oblivious, probably that more than anything else.
- Since I was so stressed and frustrated about work I really hit the gym hard this week. GO ME! It really helped!
- Tuesday and Thursdays were girls nights. Tuesday carry1474 and I did a little shopping at the mall. I bought the most adorable brown shoes and sexy ass jeans! We than went out for dinner at Red Lobster. Yummy, it was Shrimply Tuesdays Thursday was my regular T.V. Night.
- Wednesday night the absolute sickest thing happened!!! It was just a regular night my family and I are all sitting in the living room, when my dad found a "lump" on Fergus. So we proceeded to investigate what this lump may be. Found it and it was this oh so gross rubbery yellowish looking thing sticking straight out of Fergus' skin. So that first of all was sick, than we discover the "bump" has LEGS!!! Legs that are MOVING people. Turns out the "bump" was a Deer Tick and guess what we had to pull that sucker out. Oh man the whole ordeal is definitely sitcom material. I honestly felt like barfing and didn't want to eat for days after seeing that. I still shudder thinking about it. SO NASTY!!! They took him to the vet the next day and he is o.k. He is just being an extra big suck now, what a cutie pie.
- This weekend was fun filled. Friday night I went to angeloftheabyss for a movie night, Saturday angeloftheabyss, carry1474 and myself all went out to the Everything About Sex Show. It was o.k. definitely not worth the $20.00 a person you have to pay. It's pretty much a giant Stag Shop with cheaper priced toys and sexy outfits (not very nice ones though). The one seminar about Lap Dancing was very entertaining though. From the show the three of us headed over to Piccadilly Circus to watch the end of the hockey game and than wait for other friends to meet up for dancing! We got some dancing in at the beginning (I even got up on the box and shook my booty!) But it eventually got so filled up that there was barley room to walk nevermind dance! Sunday was lazy, yay!
- Tonight I'm off to the Maple Leaf game with angeloftheabyss. They are playing Boston. This weekend is carol_eena birthday party! I decided on the French Maid costume (for those who were curious) but realized its way too short for work. For work I'm going to be a Miss. Canada or whatever beauty pageant contestant. LoL. Next weekend is another birthday party in Niagara Falls, so things are pretty booked up!
That's all for now. I think our emails *may* be back up. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Random Question of the Day: What is your favourite scary movie and why?