Dec 08, 2004 14:00
this was just too good to not share...
Place your feet flat on the floor and sit comfortably in your chair. Place your hands comfortably in your lap.
Take a deep breath…let it go…take another breath…let it go…take another deep breath.
Close your eyes…let your body relax. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and heavily. As you inhale, inhale relaxation…as you exhale, exhale tension. Allow yourself to be calm and relaxed.
Now imagine yourself in a field of red. Run through the field of red….see the poppies…hear the cardinals. Allow yourself to experience red for approximately 30 seconds.
Next allow yourself to experience a field of orange. Allow yourself to smell it…take deep breaths and smell the orange in the air. Imagine yourself experiencing orange for approximately 30 seconds.
Now imagine yourself in a field of yellow. Touch the yellow daisies and daffodils…feel the warm yellow sun. Immerse yourself in yellow for approximately 30 seconds.
Then go into a field of green. Be aware of the many shades of green …let the green surround you. Experience the field of green for approximately 30 seconds.
Imagine yourself in a field of blue, sky blue. Allow yourself to relax in blue…smell blue flowers…breathe in the aroma of blue…tranquility. Experience what blue feels like for approximately 30 seconds.
Now see a field of indigo. Hear the bluebirds….taste the blueberries….surround yourself with indigo. Allow the indigo to surround you for approximately 30 seconds.
Then imagine yourself in a field of purple, deep vibrant purple. Touch violets and iris…see other purple flowers. Experience what purple feels like, tastes like, and sounds like for approximately 30 seconds.
Now imagine that all the colors become one and turn into a soft white light surrounding you. Let the white light penetrate and envelop you. Allow yourself to experience feeling completely relaxed and refreshed for approximately 30 seconds.
When you are ready, slowly count backwards from 10 to 1. When you are at 1, slowly open your eyes and look around your environment. Take a few cleansing breaths and gradually return to your regular activities feeling refreshed, relaxed and calm.