Rita the bitch

Sep 22, 2005 10:17

Everyone keep my friend Laura in your thoughts and prayers. She lives in Texas City, TX which is about 15 miles from Galveston where Rita is heading straight for. They had mandatory evacuation by 6pm last night. She's a nurse so she moved patients yesterday at the hospital and then went home to gather up what she could of her belongings. She said her apartment complex parking lot was full of families trying to cram every single little bit of their things in their cars..so much that they barely had room to get in themselves. She got in her truck and headed for her sisters house which is only 45 minutes away....she finally got there 9.5 hours later! She had planned on getting up this morning and heading to Ft Hood which is where her husband is stationed in the Army but now all interstates are closed heading east and west...they can only go north...but the traffic is so bad, and she only has half a tank of gas that she'll run out of gas before they find a gas station that's open. So basically, she's stuck. They closed off I-10 which would solve a lot of this traffic problem...apparently they are too dumb to realize this. They are saying they will have about 200 mph winds and that it's likely most houses aren't going to be standing. I'm scared to death for her. She just called me and I can hear the fear in her voice. I've cried over these people in New Orleans, and now my friend is in danger and it's scaring me to death. Please please please be thinking of her. Luckily her ex came to get her kids so they have all gotten out of the state already...so her babies are safe. This part pisses me off....she had no money to leave...she was getting paid Friday but obviously couldn't wait till then...so my parents wired her $150 to get her to leave....her asshole ex husband took the kids (b/c she called and said you need to get them, I can't afford to leave...and if it floods I won't be able to help them and we'll all die) so when he picks them up he says "hope you know how to swim" and just left her standing there. DICKHEAD! Anyway, just be thinking and praying for her please!
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