Jun 14, 2006 13:12
haha. so i thought i woke up yesterday at 3 oclock becuase thats what the church bells were saying, but i guess it was like 10 or something... bobby told me to go to maxs just so he could ask me in person if id go back to his house. i got tricked but of course i was more than happy to. we walked downtown and it was freakin hot as a muh outside. well we walked downtown and went to wendys, then we got on the bus to go up to crafton heights... we got transfers but as soon as we got to bobbys which we had to walk like two miles there uphill.. but as soon as we got to bobbys i passed out on the futon and he got a shower and fell asleep too and we slept til like 645 right through our transfers and we couldnt use them anymore. but we ended up meetin up with jess and we all went to boston market... it was a good time. when we came back we ran into tony d and willis and we went back to maxs. everyone was fucked up.. it was funny. i basically just smoked for the rest of the day. it was nice and relaxing but i ate so much hahaha... i might have to go into work today but im not sure.. idk my schedule so i have to call the gangster manager dude. his names justin hes like straight thug with a fuckin chinstrap beard thing. funny as shit. oh yeah and i got to see niko yesterday for a minute, that was really nice. i miss him. the other night i left my phone and ipod and zip up at the slaughterhouse and i still have yet to fuckin go get it. im so lazy. gross. but everyone come over and hang out. NO MORE 40-THROWING OFF THE ROOF GUYS THE LANDLORD FLIPPPPPED OUTTTTT. oh wednesdays.. me and kait are goin to the beehive so she cn study up on her math : ] come chillll