Mar 04, 2009 23:06
i've always preferred laptop keyboards to normal ones, i like the sound and feel of them. Not weird at all. I'm so tired I'm staying up later 'cus I'm bringing the laptop upstairs and staying on msn until half 11. Even though i have to wake up at 6. Thursday tomorrow and for my the only point in them is skins, because lesson-wise they suck. Double science(Chem & Bio), ICT,French,English. and that's pooey. On a week b it's different cus i have physics insteada chem but i hate chem. Idk why i'm going on about this.
Done quite a bit of sowing tonight very blah. My bag needs to be finished by friday, i hate textiles. In fact i hate most lessons, had to stay in pract. all lunch to do art intro, which still isn't finished. AND it was chip day,whatta bummer, plus dad gave me money for my card. (:( well craved chips with curry sauce and cheese today. :( instead what did i have? a beef sarnie. :/
So not really an eventful day, weird things go on, i get over them, that's it. Kinda. It's confusing
What really bugs me is those bloody insurance comparison adverts, especially if they're on kids channels, they're on nickelodeon all the time.
yes yes blah blah. night night.