Apr 01, 2004 14:12
is it wrong that I *kind of* like the latest Fefe Dobson single? Maybe this is one of those things I should keep to myself.
Was thinking this morning about how I censor myself in my journal SOO much, it's not even funny. The most exciting things I have going on in my boring existence right now I don't even mention in this journal... not that I've got anything groundbreaking/shocking or even newsworthy, but...well... it's all relative, and I get excited easily maybe? My friend Stephanie once made that "it's all relative" point to me once in regards to the problems people have, and it's something I think of really often. I myself have lived a really sheltered life for the most part, and looking back I wouldn't say that I've EVER had a *real* problem. But at times I'd get down, or stressed... and then there are people who have these huge family/personal/social problems who might think mine were just insignificant. It's what we learn to deal with individually though, right? I try to be an optimist, but I avoid conflict and allow people to walk all over me at times to ensure their happiness. I also think you get a chance to learn from everybody that you meet in life, and the opportunity to teach them something too. I think that even the people who you don't "give a chance" to... those kinds of people who you never bother to talk to or make aquaintence with, they affect you in some way, too.
Anyway, back to the reason I don't write about important things: it's mainly because I worry too much about who reads this + who MIGHT read it. The things I leave out, I consider personal and only discuss them with my closest friends who I know I can trust.