My Weekend

Sep 30, 2007 19:08

Okay *sighs* a lot happened this weekend that I feel I should recollect for my own personal gain to tuck the past away.

Thursday morning Nikki calls me asks me if I want to go with her and Adrian's possie to the beach to celebrate Vanessa's birthday. Not looking foward to anything else and to keep Nikki company on this trip I automaticly said yes. I packed my bags at four o'clock and was waiting outside for Nikki's car at five. Adrian was driving. I hate the way Adrian drives. As I told him so for the hundreth time, Nikki asks me if I don't mind riding with Ralph, he doesn't want to ride alone. Ralph is an old ex boyfriend from back in the day. I haven't seen him since we broke up. I heard he got married and I just heard the he is going through a nasty divorce. Seeing as I didn't like riding with Adrian I was willing to ride with Ralph. Everyone was running late as usual. Vanessa wanted us to meet up at Academy in Mission. We stood there waiting for them for what felt like ages. We finally took off at eight. The whold car ride over there was fun. Ralph and I were remenicing on back in the days of pure innocence and he was filling me in on his divorce. I soon told him about the unforgetable break up with Anna and then told him that I was looking for some fun this weekend. With understanding and without contemplation we decided to keep each other company on our little adventure and look out for one another.

We didn't stop anywhre until we got to Port Isabel. Now, I haven't been to the beach in years so I was excited to be so close the the ocean. We all got out of our cars in the parking lot of walmart and decided on how to hunt down the cheapest hotel closest to the beach. After we grabbed some food and drinks we all scaddered away in search of a hotel. After a whole hour of getting in and out of the car we finally all agreed on a hotel called Island Inn right off the beach. We paid for a suit studio and unpacked our way into a very hot room.

It was already 10 o'clock and we just started scavegely eating what we all could. All of us Nikki, Adrian, Vanessa, Marc, Ramsy and Ralph and I scooted closly to watch Family Guy and eat ham sandwiches, Doritos and ranch, and drinking coca cola and vodka. As we started to clear the table of left overs, others got ready to head down to the beach. I was so excited because on the ride across the bridge the moon looked so amazing over the water. It was so beautiful I couldn't wait to see it up close. I put on some shorts and a tank top and rushed outside. Marc took some weed to smoke out there and we all got a little high.

The water was so warm and brisk. Wave after wave I could feel myself getting to a place of pure extasy. Everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives. We were all debating whether or not to go striking or not. However, as we all headed back into the water all of us except Nikki and Adrian took off our wet clothes and got into the water. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be swimming under the goddess moon naked as a baby. We all huddled around Vanessa as she suggested an orgy. I was a little hesitant but I didn't have time to think, Vanessa kissed me before I could answer. Her tonge ring was hitting my teeth and made me laugh. And then before I knew it I was kissing Marc, Ramsy and then finally Ralph. We only made out but I got to say I was missing Anna more and more as the night drew on.

We finally decided to head back to the room for some more drinks. Vanessa and I took some shots of Vodka as Ralph put on some techno music to dance to. We were dancing and laughing drinking and just having a good time. After a while I stepped outside for a cigarete break. As I sat outside the room and took in the senery of the place. I couldn't help but feel at ease. I really don't know if it was the booze or it was the smoke or if it really was the senery but I felt really relaxed and was really happy that I came. Ralph followed me outside and we talked for a while and then headed back inside. A little more dancing and a little more drinking; everyone was wasted. Adrian couldn't stand anymore, Nikki was sitting down not moving, Vanessa was completely high and screaming to Marc who was trying out a new drink. Ramsy on the other hand was asking Marc if he broght any coke. I was confused but mesmorized as I saw them take a few shots of it. Ramsy offerd me some and I took three rows of it.

After that I really don't remember. All I knew was I was so relaxed I had to start walking around. Ralph took me down to the beach again. We didn't get into the water but we walked around and talked for what seemed hours. As I sat there in the sand I took in that mesmorizing senory of the moon and the water. It was heaven in my eyes. Everything felt so clear and my emotions were a solid rank of happy. I needed to go there that weekend. I told myself aloud that I needed to be reminded of the beauty of life itself and how I was taking all of it for granted. I no longer felt sorry for myself, I no longer felt sad, and I no longer felt the tears run down my face.

I went inside after a while and started to mingle with all the drunks in the room. Everyone was making out with everyone. I joined in. Adrian was the worst kisser I have ever seen. Wow that kid needs help. I decided to be that for him. He got really angry and told me off. I kicked him and told him to get lost. At that time we started calling a night or should I say four in the morning.

The next morning we all woke up ate some breakfast tacos and headed to the Inn's pool. All of us except for Marc headed down to the pool and had a really fun time. We were splashing diving and all around having elementry fun. Vanessa disappeared while the rest of us played a little game of three words. We had to discribe the person to your left in three words. Ramsy to me was gay, fun, and crazy. Nikki to me was mysterious, funny, and laid back. Ralph to me was fun, pensive, and dark. Adrian to me was weird, angry, and intolerant. (I was still mad at him) As for me mostly everyone said I was outgoing and fun but Adrian said I was unsure. He is convinced that I'm not a lesbian. Aya el. I really don't have time to prove anything to anybody.

We then got ready to go out the strip and do some shopping. Nikki was looking for some sunglasses. It took about four stores to actually find her some that made her feel comfortable. We ate at Mcdonal's and then headed back to the room. At that time Ralph and I decided to go down to the beach and collect some shells. When we came back we fell asleep till about six. At around eight we, Ramsy, Nikki, Vanessa, and I, headed to Wal-mart to go and meet up with Adrian's brother Isac and his girlfriend Sonia. We also picked up some more drinks.

We got back to the room and some of Marc's friends were already there and so were Wendy, her baby boy and Julius. We all ate some pizza and had the party started. I really don't know what happened all I remember was playing with Wendy's kid and drinking, a lot. I think I had about three smirnoffs, two shots of vodka and a glass of something else. All I remember was crashing on the bed. Later that night I woke up to find someone laying next to me. I thought it was Anna. I told her to come closer and that I missed her so much. I asked her if she loved me and Adrian responded that he wasn't Anna. It was a huge slap in the face and went to sleep crying that night. I woke up a few hours later refreshed as the rain poured in. The streets were beginning to flood so Nikki and I took off. I got back to the dorms at five in the morning and fell straight to sleep and didn't wake up till four in the afternoon. I waited for dinner and headed to HESTEC.

It was so crowded I couldn't stand the heat and the pushing I was starting to get nausiated. I headed back to the dorm. Roxy called and asked me if I wanted to go rent a movie with her and I said sure. At around eight at night I got in her car and went to Hollywood. There we met a friend of hers and decided to go to his place for a few drinks. We got to his place and as he offered me a drink I declined still feeling a bit hung over from the night before. We all sat around smoked a few cigarrets and talked the night away. Nick, Roxy's friend introduced us to his Mom. She was the coolest Mom ever. She was like your big sister and was sure that you would get the picture that she was not like any other mom.

We were all sitting around talking about strip clubs that we decided to go to one. Nick had his heart of Boom Boom, one of the ronchiest clubs in town; but, ended up at Pleasures instead. Since I didn't have an ID with me, they couldn't let Roxy and I in. So we said our good-bys and headed to her place for something to eat. I made myself a PJ sandwhich and then headed back to my dorm for some more sleep.

Sunday morning my Dad calls me and tells me he is coming over to help me fill out an insurance form for me. I told myself that it was going to rain for the kind of effort my Dad was making for me. However, when he got here he asked me if I needed anything. I told him I needed to wash clothes and he took me and paid for my laundry. After that he took me out to eat and then to H E B to buy some groceries. When he left, I called Nikki and told her that on December it is going to snow. My Dad made a real effort to care about me. That is the first time he has ever done something like that without asking him first. It really came from him. I was shocked...too shocked to really say anything. We didn't talk much but I came back to the dorm and sat for a while thinking about it all.

My life sure did turn around this weekend. I just hope it's not the end of that.
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