Sep 06, 2007 13:46
I feel that my day was pretty boring so I would like to bore eveyone who is reading this to tears. Ha Ha Ha!
No I'm serious I've had a day. One that will probably make up for most of them. I actually slept last night. I've been going on three nights of tossing and turning and finally I had so shut eye. However, thanks to Nikki, that slipped away too easy. She called me super late to ask me if I would go with her to see her ex boyfriend. Usually I don't mind being offered to do something especially since they are offering me food, but I had no choice but to turn her down. I had class. We still had lunch together afterwards. That was really awesome. Not that I didn't have to pay or anything but just the fact that I got to spend some one on one time with her. I love that woman to death I don't know why but I do. I missed the hell out of her when she left. Now that she's back I'm savoring the moments. I know she's not happy with the way things are going for either one of us but I also know that we are making the best of them while we can.
So I didn't go to Astronomy. I emailed my Professor and he said that he would send me the slide shows of class and I could print them out and study them before the test. *sigh of relief* I got up and headed for breakfast. On my way over there I stopped by the Thearpists' office to make an appointment. Next Thursday awesome. I have so much to tell her after everything. Nikki called to tell me that she would pick me up at one o' clock. Okay, I headed for class after having the most boring breakfast. I've been eating alone since school started and I'm starting to really miss Krystel. Our breakfasts' were either informational or they were eventful all in the same. I haven't been able to talk to her and it's really starting to bother me.
Class, Sign Language, was a class to remember. I really need to start learning more fast. The professor was talking to me because he thinks I'm pretty good. I don't think so. I had a hard time understanding him and his joke. Something about rabbits and fairies. I don't know. I faked laughed. I'm gonna start to fingerspell as I have conversations with others even at work. If I don't know a sign for a word, I'm gonna fingerspell it. Sounds a bit easy don't you think, I already know it's not gonna be easy. After class I headed to the labs to chill for a while well until my next class that is. I had about an hour to kill. Fifteen minutes into my pressious hour up comes Ashley. I dreaded to see her because I had already saw her earlier that morning walking with her girlfriend. A knife right at my stomach. I want to believe she's playing games but what do I know about that. So she came and flirted and I coudln't help but do the same. I hated that I did though, it's all really complicated and I really hope it doesn't stay that way. I missed my next class because I was watching Eddie Izzard. That Man is really going to get me in trouble. However, thanks to Nikki I was saved from continuing something that might be horrible.
I came back from hanging out with Nikki to get dressed and ready for work. I got in trouble because I arrived a few minutes late and I was the second of the last to go because I was thrown into office specialist, and me not knowing what I'm doing, did everything wrong. Horay for me! I came home and talked to my Mother. *sigh* Talking to that woman may relieve tension for her, to know that I'm alright but for me, it causes tension. I hate it. I went to bed early to wake up early but ended up waking up at one in the afternoon. *smiles* I feel like the days are just beginning to turn up for me already.