(no subject)

Nov 10, 2008 23:39

A conversation in New York City. Completely canon.



And here's the American -- oh.


Hi, Neku. [The grin. It is huge.]

...What do you want?

Just checking my investment. Is that a problem?

...Your what?

Investment. Holding. Ownership. [laugh] Guess who owns ten percent of Lapin Angelique?

[you're getting a =/] You?

Full points, Neku. [laugh] I suppose that would make you my employee.

[grumpy look]...How do I quit?

Ask your manager.

[sigh] She won't let me. ['please let this finish soon.']

Well, I suppose you're stuck then.

Stuck in this. Great. [=/]

Isn't it worth the employee discount?

Why would I want anything in here?

It's tailored. As in, it won't fall off your ass. Think about it.

I'm wearing a dress. I'd rather wear pants.

Try appreciating quality, for once.

I'd rather wear something I like.

"Do what you want, when you want, how you want," mmm?

...Still remember that?

CAT's motto, right? [another laugh] Who doesn't? You're in love with the man.

His work is...[is smiling, completely content] It's got a message.

Fascinating. Really. Do go on.

"Enjoy the moment." And do it with all you've got.

And what about this moment?

At the moment I'm stuck in a dress and stuck with you as my employeer.


It's just a littler harder. [grumpy look]

[laugh] Let's explore that. What are you doing right now? [Josh is moving towards the coats.]


[laugh] Well, that sounds hopeful.

...I'll enjoy it more when we're back to the castle.


I'll enjoy the moment when you're not my employer. And I'm not stuck in this dress.

What a pity. [holds up two shirts] Which one?

Which ever one you like.


Like you have the same taste as me.

Typical. Too apathetic to have an opinion. [shake of the head] Kids these days.

...Go with the purple one, it matches your eyes. [and now he's just avoiding eye contact]

[Josh... is honestly flabbergasted. For a moment.]

[Then he flutters his eyes] Why, Neku. I thought you'd never notice~

[Is just looking away and refusing to answer that]

What's wrong?

Just buy what you want.

[laugh] Well, it took some nudging, but I can say that customer service is fairly satisfactory.

That's nice. [grumpy]

[a paaaause... then a rustle. >D]


[Have a Joshua. Who's just taken off his shirt. =)]

Wha- What are you doing!? There are dressing rooms! [looks embarrassed/awkward]

I don't see anyone else in the store, do you?

That doesn't mean there aren't other people around! There are doors and windows. Go to the dressing rooms.

[Stuffs his head through the collar of the purple shirt] Relax. At least I'm not looking for underwear.

[sigh] I don't even want to know.

[laugh] We were invisible in the UG, Neku.

Were. Not currently. And that doesn't make it any less awkward.

[scoff] It's more than what you'd wear to the beach, Neku. Lighten up. [He looks at himself in a nearby mirror, then takes the shirt back off again... not seeing the small group of high-school girls tittering behind the glass. 8D]

[said so very flatly] Oh look, you have fans.


High school girls. [sort of frowning at them, oh look unwanted attention.]

Oh? [Turns around... and waves. skldskll]

[sighs] Like the attention?

Is there something wrong with indulging them? [He gives them a wink, and they start giggling and shrieking.]

You do that. ['and leave me out of it']

[Bow chicka bow wow. He starts putting on the next shirt much~ more~ slowly~] Mmm. They might start thinking I'm an employee, at this rate.

[is now avoiding looking at him]...Did you even get stuck with a job?

10% of Lapin Angelique America. The stock market is a wonderful invention. [Now making all sorts of faces at the girls. They seem to be reacting accordingly.] I'd be good for the next few years.

I doubt we'll stay that long. [sort of glaring at the girls]

It's a shame. [a pause... and he starts stripping again. lol.] Maybe I should try my hand at modeling. You should see who they have in front of the Abercrombie and Fitch.

I can honestly say I don't care. ['would you just buy your stuff?']

Come on! Pretend? Please? [He's miming through the glass. One more time? Well, if they insist~]


Humor me. [NO. Off he goes~]

And why would I do that? [Ugh, at this rate the girls won't leave.]

Tch. Fine. Be that way. [Oooh, ah~] I can see where I'm not wanted.

You don't act like it most of the time.

Should I? [Aaaaand... buttons up the last button on his regular shirt. He waves off the girls. Sorry~]

I wish you would.

[laugh] I never act, Neku. It's such a waste of energy.

[sigh] Were you actually going to buy anything?


So you came in because...?

I can't check up on my investments?

Can't you do that online?

Really, it's better to do it in person. [laugh] What's a few bytes compared to a real building?

And what's so much better by doing it in person?

Are you really that naive?

Like you're going to get your percents from inside the store.

All a percentage is is a number, Neku.

[sigh] Enjoy yourself. I'm off soon anyway.

What a coincidence! I'm just about done here. Let's get something to eat together. [smirrrrrk]

Right, like I want to be around you for even longer.

[tut, tut] So bitter. All right, ice queen. I'll catch you when you thaw out, all right?

...Wait for another hour if you want.

... [laugh] Almost as contrary as...

You can stay or go, it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'll 'thaw up' by then. [=|]


Why don't you go explore the rest of the place.

Why don't you show me around?

I'm still working.

I can wait.

logs, neku sakuraba, new york city plot, paradisa

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