Jun 07, 2005 17:37
my first summer school day....
we did a lot of busy work it wasnt so bad though, it helped pass the time. since its all class work to be turned in at the end of the day i wont have trouble with zeros and all that. at ten thirty we got our break, i stuck with andrew sandoval because i really didnt know anyone else and felt really lost. I saw jared and jackie, GABBY from tumbling who i hadnt seen in a really long time, monique and kenny, anita trevino but she was busy talking to her friends so whatever, there were some other people but i dont remember. During the break i didnt get to see desirea because she was in her car i think with her friend alyssa. at 10 45 we had to go back to class. the room was MUCHO FRIO. we worked until the bell rang at one. i walked with jared on the way out and we ran into....RAUL of all people. he shaved which i am sad about but oh well. it was totally weird, he gave jared a hug because he hadnt seen him in a long time. I on the other hand got A HIGH FIVE. He also threw a paper at me and hit my eye. hmm. so i left for home because my tire pressure is way down and im really scared im going to have a blow out. i just dont want to have to go fill them up.
at about 3 i went out to pradera to work with the horses. i gave them baths and let the graze for a while. then i had to go and fill the hay nests. at about 5 20 dr seger paid me a whopping 20 dollars. woo. Im getting minimum wage for now because im just learning how to do basic stuff like put a haulter on them and stuff. by the end of the week i will know how to put a saddle on them and so by the end of next week i should be able to earn about 8 dollars. The sucky thing is that i only work like 14 hours a week.