Mar 25, 2009 19:38
oh yea i remember.
patsy cooper.
so i skipped 2 more classes today (that makes 3 out of 4 so far this week people. what's wrong with me.) but i did go to student teaching. except that i had no lesson plan. i honestly had no idea what i was gonna teach. thankfully by the time i got there i decided to have them create a rubric as a class for an essay they wrote recently. it went semi-well. not as badly as i thought it'd be. actually thinking about it now, it was fine. i'm giving them a new seating chart tomorrow, which i'm sure they'll whine and moan about, but oh well bitches!
anyway, during the first class i was skipping, i went to make an appointment with my advisor so we could talk about graduation and such. it was the education building, so i ran into one of my classmates, we talked, both set up an appointment. i turned around and there was my old professor from freshman year. she lived in our dorm as a faculty fellow and we sorta kept in touch over the years. maybe like once a year i'd go talk to her.
she's great, patsy cooper, but i know i didn't go talk to her as much because she'd challenge me everytime i'd talk to her - in such subtle ways. she'd basically be telling me to suck it up and get through it. and i didn't like that. because that's not what i needed. but it was my mistake to go to her when i knew that's how she'd respond. but anyway, i didn't have any hard feelings necessarily, i was just afraid i guess. i didn't wanna hear the reality of it and for someone to tell me to get out of my bubble and pity party. but i WOULD hear it and even though i didn't like it, i'd think about it for days afterward and it'd make me change whatever it was that needed changing.
so today, she asked me if i was gonna go into teaching after i move back home. i at least not yet. and so she asked what i was gonna do instead. i said event planning and that i had an internship this semester. i told her everything else i was doing and she was like are you insane. haha and i told her how much i didn't wanna do anything at all. and again, she said well you're gonna have to. you don't wanna have come this far and then leave it all. you're gonna do it. and i just said, "we'll see," kind of as a default answer.. and she responded, "don't tell me 'we'll see!' i wanna see you at graduation! i will see you there!"
and that was just enough of a kick in the butt to get my thoughts back into gear. they're still squeaky and aren't running completely perfectly, but maybe i'm getting my sense back.
sometimes we need more people telling us to shut up and do things. even our students right now...too much hand-holding. i will NOT give you pencils and paper everyday. you should have your own goddamn school supplies. you LOSE them every period, so why should i? iunno. there are a lot of faults in that too, but really they need to be more in tune to reality. like that new seating chart tomorrow? yea, i'll just say "you'll get over it." and you know what, they will.
i have to get over it too.
life lesson at the secretary's desk of the ed building at nyu.
huh. nice.