Mar 29, 2004 01:37
Today I was super bored so I walked to USA groceries... I was walking home when I was looking around for him (remember that mexican guy that told me and nina we had big cups? well yeah him). I looked in an apartment window and I saw him staring at me and i got really freaked out...Then he blew me a kiss?! wtfffffffffffffffff.....scary mofo....Im never walking by there again...god...
Well other then that today was pretty good... YAY shadya got home...Tommorow Im going to southwood to help build the FAME set...I guess thats cool...Someone do something with me tommorow night...please?
So far spring break has been the shit... I think its gona get better...
You know whats fun...When everyone in your house is sleeping and you turn on music and dance like krazay, with no one watching, with no cares of how you look? I love that feeling...
Im in a weird mood.... I should get some sleep...I have to be at southwood at 11:00 tommorow morning....Crazay but I dont mind... Right now I dont mind anything... I just am happy without a care in the world... Woah I love this feeling...I love you....Good night