Mar 14, 2011 21:09
Girls are so complicated.
When a person has a little girl, who would ever to think she is anything other than "sweeter than candy" or "super cute n' nice." How does that saying go... "Sugar, and spice n something nice is what girls are made of." I don't remember exactly, but when a girl grows up, boy how that saying is ever so wrong.
Here's what I know about girls:
-We cry
-We are complicated.
-We fall in love easily
-We get jealous
-We gossip
-We love to talk
-We express ourselves easily
-We get hurt easily
-We cry
-We have high expectations of others
-We get defensive
-We talk crap about other girls
-We are selfish
-We cry
-We love to be loved.
-We fight with other girls.
-We care about people.
-We longed to be loved.
-We get tempted.
-We lust
-We are self-conscience
-We worry about what others think of us no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that we don't care.
-We like to be touched
-We cry
-We worry
-We have a lot of feelings, and I mean A LOT.
-We get in fights with our friends
-We care about other people too much.
-We turn for attention from boys.
-We are somehow always near drama.
-We cry
Am I right? Or am I just describing myself? See what I mean by saying that girls are complicated?
But why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we treat each other like crap? Why do we turn to boys to find "love"? I see so many of us girls that have so many uneccesary issues that it it hurts me. I know what it's like to go through all of that because I've been through it all. I've fought with my friends plenty of times, I've dropped them off the face of this planet because I thought they were doing something so horrible. But I wasn't doing anything but hurting myself. I've had plenty of times where I've been "boy crazy" and move from one boy to the next just for the attention. You can't say that you don't do that because I know you do or have in the past. We like that attention. I admit, sometimes I still crave for that attention from the opposite sex. And if I'm a grown woman, it has to be happening to younger girls too. But just because we have those feelings, it doesn't mean you should act on them. You just have to learn how to deal with those emotions and feelings and direct them towards something else.
But what I'd like to say is that instead of us tearing each other down or thinking that another girl has something against you, we need to forget about whatever issue you think it is and support each other. It's important for us to lift each other up. If we see a fellow sister down, instead of kicking her to the curb or making her feel worse, take the time to pick her up and encourage her. And you don't use that as an opportunity to spread rumors about that girl. We must love each other and forgive each other of our differences. And if you move from boy to boy and fall "in-love" with a different person every so often, your just giving small little pieces of your own heart to different boys. And pretty soon, you'll be left with no heart of your own. Boy's can trample on your heart like no other. Keep your heart and re-build it so you can be strong. Stop giving yourselves to boys and forget about them altogether. Well, for now. Because when you are young, you are more prone to pain. And again, we need our friends to help support each other and love one another. I'm not saying not to stay away from boys forever, I just feel it's better to keep from dating at a young age and date when you are older, more mature and serious about looking for a significant other that youcould possibly marry. It might seem ridiculous to do that, but if it'll help preserve your own heart, you'll be able to give your entire heart to your future husband.
Now all of this isn't easy, but through God all things are possible. I'm here to help support each and every one of you. And although, us girls are definitely not perfect (in fact, were far from it), I would love to see the girls more united. I want to see accountability from each other and love from one another. Is this too much of me to ask? This has been in my heart and hope it'll make you evaluate who you are and what you want to accomplish.
With much love,