Dec 31, 2009 19:46
I've been hearing from a lot of people that 2009 wasn't really a great year for people. However, it was an excellent year for me!! It was mostly great because Daniel and me finally got married!! I wasn't able to really find a second job, but that doesn't stop my year from being just as good as it was...
So these were my goals for 2009:
(I copied and pasted from last years LJ entry)
-Jog every Wednesday with Daniel unless there's freakish weather or some event we got to be at.
Well, I didn't quite meet this goal. I almost did but towards late August till now.. I haven't really been consistant with my jogging. I blame it on stepping on a glass vase, hurting my foot and not being able to run. Then pretty much I was super busy with the Wedding, honeymoon and moving-in process. There's no excuse now, it just wasn't done. OH AND I ran a half marathon. So that has to count for something right??
-Eat healthier and make better food choices: Limit the fast food for once a week(if any), Bring a lunch to work. (Pizza is okay but limit to one slice).
I think for the most part I've done pretty good with this one. I definitely don't eat out as often as I used to. But I LOVE pizza so I always usually do eat more then 1 slice of pizza. And I've done a GREAT job with bringing my lunch to work. I might not for a couple of days but that's because I'm usually running super late and don't have time to make a lunch. However, I do feel like I need to snack less often.
-Stay more active: Park further at work, take the stairs up instead of an elevator.
I've stayed true to this one to a T. I ALWAYS take the stairs now at work and any place that does have stairs. Oh, I did take the elevator once, but I was talking a a little old lady who couldn't walk up the stairs. So I took the elevator with her. But that was an exception. Parking further at work or any place in general is pretty easy to do because most people want to be super close anyway. Walking a little bit more can never hurt!
-Start cleaning and packing my room up so I'll be ready to move out. I want to have MOST of my things packed up by June/July.
Well, I'm out of my parent's house now. So this is a check. I actually didn't have most of my stuff packed by June/July. It wasn't done until a few weeks after my wedding. Haha. But it's done now. They have an extra room. That's all that matters.
-Put away money every week for the future.
This one is hard to tell because I don't recall putting aside a certain amount of money every week. I know I've saved up a lot of money to help with a down payment for a house. But putting away money is always a good thing.
Goals that include Daniel:
-Continue with the wedding planning
-Find a house
Sort of done. We made an offer on one house, they didn't accept the offer. But then we saw another house and made an offer the day after christmas and they want to give us a counter-offer tomorrow. And tomorrow is New Year's Day. And I'm not sure what's up for tomorrow, so this one will have to be put off on hold for 2010.
My Goals for 2010:
-Be a better housewife: This includes learning how to manage work and home. I find it's difficult to work different hours and come home to not know what to make for dinner. Then my living room is still not really clean and I want to make sure my home is presentable with no boxes out filled with stuff out in the open. (I might want to wait to do this one until we get a house though.) But I know I want to improve on my house skills in general.
-Jog consistantly once a week. I know this will be difficult in the new year because of our house buying process. But when we are settled in I want to make sure Daniel and me are keeping up with our exercising and running each week.
-Eat healthier and make better food choices. This applies mostly to work at pot lucks. Ommi gosh!! I hate pot lucks because there's constant junk food and when it's there, I just snack like crazy!! I want to limit to amount of snacking I do. I think I wanna bring oatmeal to work and I'll eat the oatmeal when I get hungry instead of snacking on a bunch of junk. And of course I will continue to bring a lunch to work.
-Continue to stay more active by taking the stairs instead of an elevator and walking whenever possible.
-Continue to put away and save money. I want to work as much as possible whenever I can.
So that's about all that I could think of for the new year. I wish you and your family a great 2010!!
Happy New Year's Everyone!!