Dec 09, 2004 22:15
Have you ever noticed that humans have a longing for sacrifice. Yes, sacrifice. It sounds silly but, let me explain. Don`t you love to see people show genuine interest in getting to know you? For instance, when you first meet a girl/guy you ask them questions about themselves like: "How old are you?", "Do you have siblings?", "What do you like to do on weekends?", "What`s your favorite color, food, etc.", "What`s your number?" Just as you ask questions about them, you like to hear them ask you questions. Imagine getting to know a person inside and out only to find out they don`t ask anything about you and show no interest in getting to know you. Sacrifice of time. You sacrifice your time, your schedule, to get to know this person better.
Humans adore when people sacrifice time to be with them. When you sacrifice your feelings by laying them on the line and saying those three magic words, "I love you." I think now-a-days we forget that love takes sacrifice. We think it magically forms and generates itself- no assistance needed. That`s not true at all. It takes: compromise, sacrifice, & humility. Some of the most admired people in all history sacrificed their lives in order to stand up for the things they believed in. When you avoid taking the easy-route through life, people admire the sacrifice and strength it took for you to come out on top.
When friends come over, you sacrifice your day to spend with them. You hold phone calls, stay off the internet, share your things, & entertain incessantly. When you get something new- you let them play it first or allow them to borrow it. Self-sacrifice is admired, loved, respected. Sacrificing your own wants for that of another is one of the greatest human abilities.
As I sit and contemplate my own love for sacrifice I must ponder my own self-sacrifice or lack there of. I love when people sacrifice themselves for me and, likewise, I should sacrifice myself for others. Examining myself, I find that I am selfish, self-centered, & ignorant. I come to the realalization that I don`t nearly sacrifice enough. This leads me to the conclusion that from thusforth I will challenge myself to sacrifice.