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exit_left_gid September 23 2009, 00:31:39 UTC
Fay let the final notes of Exit Left die and grinned like an idiot! They had done it! One down and six to go! He took a swig from his goblet of water and waited for Gid to introduce them

"Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, beasts and beings!" Gid grinned broadly at the audience. Really, he was made for this kind of thing. "We are Exit Left, and we are so excited to be playing our debut concert for you on this fantastic Friday night. On bass guitar and singing sexy baritone vocals, we have the Fabulous Fabian Prewett! Everyone give up for Fay!"

Fay smiled and waved, feeling slightly out of place in the spotlight, but loving it none the less.


felicitylee September 23 2009, 02:13:35 UTC
Felicity jumped up and down, her excitement level almost painfully high.



also_rans September 23 2009, 02:17:48 UTC
Iggy heard a particularly loud, familiar voice crying out with excitement and moved to locate his new Hufflepuff friend. "Hullo," he said shyly, finding her towards the front of the stage. "having fun?"


felicitylee September 23 2009, 02:19:20 UTC

Felicity threw her arms around him and gave him a huge kiss on the cheek.

"I haven't seen you in AGES!!!! I've missed you!" She grinne at him. "This band IS ACE!!!!"


also_rans September 23 2009, 02:23:37 UTC
Iggy blushed fiercely as Felicity near knocked him backwards with the force of her hug and kissed him smack on the cheek. "Erk," he spluttered. Iggy smiled at her just as shyly as before and offered her a swig of his butterbeer.


felicitylee September 23 2009, 02:26:49 UTC
Felicity slipped her hand into Iggys and squeezed it. She had missed her singing buddy! She took a sip from his butterbeer before handing it back.

"Thank you!!! Where have you BEEN??? I've not seen you ANYWHERE!"


also_rans September 23 2009, 02:36:27 UTC
Iggy's face didn't seem to be growing any less hot, on the contrary it was hotter, and he stared confusedly down at Felicity as she beamed up at him. "I've been - erm," he stammered, wondering just how it came to be that this strange girl was now holding his hand and giving it a familiar squeeze. Holding hands with friend at a gig, who just happened to be a girl, was not cheating. It wasn't cheating. It wasn't cheating.

He would so be in trouble if Audrey saw this.

"Library?" he yelled over the music in way of response. It was probably true, he spent most of his time in the library. "Where have you been?"


felicitylee September 23 2009, 02:42:07 UTC
"I have been mostly with ALICE working on S.L.I.M.E stuff!!! I need to get a SIT IN going! For peace!" She looked down and saw Iggys T-shirt.



also_rans September 23 2009, 05:45:59 UTC
Iggy was so growing used to tiny little revelations like this that he didn't even raise an eyebrow.

"Great album, that one," he said, nodding sagely. "I got hold of Another Green World the other day. Completely different musical direction. Eno's a genius." Iggy nodded again and took a swig of his butterbeer, still feeling slightly queer about Felicity's grip on his hand. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest so he shrugged inwardly and went with it, giving her fingers a bit of an experimental squeeze in the process. "This S.L.I.M.E thing," he said over the music, frowning slightly, "Are you really campaigning for vegetable rights as well as all the rest of it?"


felicitylee September 23 2009, 13:11:08 UTC
"Well,yes!" She bit her lower lip. "I know most people that it is STUPID, or at least that I am stupid, which is TRUE! But Veggies have rights too!! And I'm not saying that we should give them a place in Parliment! Only that we treat our fragile natural resources with RESPECT! Over farming is slowly destroying the worlds forests!!! Many species of endangered animals are loosing their habitats at a STARTling RATE! And when you over farm instead of leaving a few acres fallow the soil looses al its nutrients and there is NO WAY TO GET THEM BACK! So we loose that land and simply burn more trees!!! WHICH IS NOT ON!!!! So, yeah, that's what I was thinking about veggie rights. But mostly it is a RESPECT for everything! Especially each other! Because I have been seeing how we are treating each other and it is NOT ON! We are One Planet One People!!!!" She squeezed his hand back and looked up into his sweet face. "You can call me a duffer now if you like!! That's what most people do!!!!"


also_rans September 27 2009, 18:06:24 UTC
Iggy frowned in concentration as Felicity babbled her way through the S.L.I.M.E ethic, straining to hear over the Prewett's and Mac's playing. What he did hear sounded terribly sensible.

"I think conservation of the environment is an important topic," he yelled over the noise. "My family aren't arable farmers, but the farmer down the way is and he uses some really nasty pesticides. Kills off all the bugs: which is alright for him, but what's it doing to the animals and birds that feed off them? And the soil that he's growing his crops in, that's going to be full of harmful chemicals by the time he's done. Not to mention the crops themselves! All that poison in the food chain. It messes with the natural biological balances, you know? Really, we should just leave things be and let nature deal with the environment herself." Iggy paused to take a gulp of butterbeer, then turned back to her with a slight blush to his cheeks. "And you're not a duffer, ignore everyone else. You're... you know. You're alright."


(The comment has been removed)

exit_left_fay September 23 2009, 13:13:26 UTC
Fay could hear Alice cheering for him and felt a little smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He pulled up all his courage and winked at her.


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