I got an 84% on my accounting test on monday so i'm still in the class, i didn't drop it. I'm extremely happy. I was pretty much sure i'd have to take it over again next semester but i'm sooo glad i don't. Now it's one less class i have to take in the summer time then what i was planning on so thats nice. Just gotta get around the same grade on the last test and i'll be good... I'll study my ass off for sure.
I'm waiting for a call from Bavarian when they get the carfax report done on this car. It's sooo hot! It's identical to Stephen's car, (except his is a stick) so i feel bad copying off him but its a sweet deal and he said he doesn't care. Anyways, his is still better cuz he's got the 18s. I looked at a black one but it was a private seller and i'd feel safer buying it from a dealer i think. I'm not getting the v8 mustang anymore because i can have a beamer and pay 1,000$ less a year for insurance then my alero. Now thats a sweet ass deal. The insurance on the mustang would have been a grand more then what i pay now.
Now that is BADASS!
I took a good 4 hour nap today when I came home from work. I only had a four hour shift and they sent me home after 3.25 hrs. So whatever, at least i caught up on some sleep.
Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. I might need to go to the library for math tutoring before class at 12, then i have class from 12-2, then work from 3-9. Ahhhhh :( Then I'm not sure whats going on after that. When I talked to Frank on Monday, he said he was going up north hunting on Tuesday and Wednesday, and that Thursday night we are hanging out, end of conversation... He also said i'm going to stay the night in his bed with him. HA! i think someone is dreamin.
Went to dave and busters tonight with Mike, Jared, Mike, and Brian. We played games yay, and then played pool. I kicked ass. Well i think i won one game at least. Ok i'm done updating about my life right now.