My work in progress fics...
Build Me a Son - ATF
JD goes looking for a piece of his past, and finds more than he was ready for.
My personal albatross. I really, really want to finish this one. I'm very proud of what's already written. The story is probably 80% done. Except the missing 20% is fairly vital, and I'm really stumped. Biggest problem is I don't believe my villain's motivations.
Most Dangerous Game - ATF
Guy Royale of Collector fame, has set his sights on a new collection.
I'm really good at opening scenes. Just lack the discipline to follow through all the way.
Family Ties - OW
An angsty little amnesia fic (a guilty pleasure of mine).
I know where this one's going, just a matter of actually writing it down. 70% complete.
Untitled Buck Fic- ATF
A woman is found dead in Buck's apartment and all clues point to him.
Another story with a strong opening, and several strong scenes throughout. Mostly a matter of making myself sit down and actually write it.
Untitled JD Fic - ATF
JD's missing, Buck's in the hospital.
A story in need of a plot. Again with the strong opening.
Untitiled Vin Fic - OW
My thoughts on the background of one of M7's most enigmatic characters.
Good start, the story's all mapped out. Just need to actually write it.