I shall be highly annoyed if in 2010, when Lost finally comes to a freakin' end (with answers, damnit!), the show doesn't use Charlie's flipping the switch to get everyone off the island. Assuming the switch, does in fact get flipped. Further assuming that I haven't washed my hands of the whole mess by then.
Heh... Bernard's sniper test was from what? Five yards? That'll be an accurate sample.
Some lovely moments for Charlie. Saying goodbye to Claire and Aaron. (He called the baby Turniphead!) Meeting Claire for the first time... I can't believe I never noticed that we hadn't seen that. Awwwww... He loves Hurley. It was Hurley's expression when he asked to go with that sold that scene. The letter... *sniff*
Is it wrong that I cheered a little when he wholluped Desmond?
The flashbacks... meh. Just a little too feel good. Yes, I understand they were supposed to be his best memories, but still... Felt like they'd pulled Liam's teeth entirely.
And I'm annoyed that the show doesn't seem to remember their own cannon when it comes to Charlie and swimming. The underwater scenes did have a nicely urgent feel to them though. I believed that Charlie was running out of air and experienced it with him. Something Lost hasn't evoked in a long time.
When the gun-toting scuba babes showed up, I did have a surreal SeaLab 2020 flash. Which would make as much sense as anything else on this show.