In better news ...
the awesome bookstore in downtown Hburg is having a book sale and festival the weekend of November 11-13, and I'm pretty sure I want to go hang out one of those days and buy a bagful of $1/$2 books. >___> anyone want to meet me there?
Oh, and I have a Kindle again. :D (It is not an irresponsible waste of money, not when I use it so much.) I just realised that I never mentioned the lost-kindle problem again and I can barely tell the difference anymore. Hah.
I also got a call from Amazon about starting. So this guy Rich called me and asked if I was working day/night shift, and the first thing in my head was "um, didn't we sort this out at the application meeting?" but I said I was on night shift. He then said that the next starting date is November 4, BUT there's no night shifts available for that day, so... basically he was like "yeah we'll be back to you next week or the week after." Um, okay. I didn't expect to start until mid-November ANYWAY, but... you'd think if they were calling me about starting they'd've at least noted down when my shift was supposed to be? Oh well. A couple more weeks of boredom freedom.
Which means I can still write people letters! :D
You can put your address here and I will send you one! The last batch have been mailed and I have a nice shiny new book of stamps, even.
I also bought some yarn -- there's a website that does daily deals for yarn and knitting supplies, and I got it today -- it is the most gorgeous laceweight alpaca in this bright fiery-red colourway. I can't wait to knit with it. I think I'm going to make a delicate stole. :D I've got almost 900 yards so I should be able to make it a decent width. One skein would make a gorgeous scarf, but since the deal was for two I can make a nice stole. Mmmmm. I need blocking boards though. Oh well, I'll worry about then if when I finish it.