I just got an e-mail to get 20% or 50% off for stuff at the pearljam.com store. There are a lot of things I want to buy okay and 20% and 50% off is just about enough motivation to get me to buy $100 worth of stuff. I don't really WANT to spend $100 DAMMIT. DDD: Well, at least I have until November 20th to decide what I want to blow money on. I should finally buy the deluxe Ten now that it's 20% off, and that "Black 2009" shirt that I've had my eye on (hate the song, but the shirt's awesome), and that black tote bag, and... yeah I should just spend the $100 and get over it, shouldn't I? XD But I am trying to resist the siren's lure of spending money. Need to learn impulse control, after all.
I feel the need to share with you plotbunnies.
10littlebullets and I were discussing Temeraire plotbunnies over AIM. Okay, specifically, we were discussing Granby/Laurence where Iskierka and Temeraire are the matchmakers. And we decided it was too fabulous to be allowed to moulder. I, um, may write it, or I may not, but I wll probably need some serious nudging to do so. I've got so many plotbunnies!
The reason we got into THIS discussion is because I had to share the bunny that literally woke me up at 3am. That is: Enjolras with a Flamme-de-Gloire named
Patria. I know, I'm so clever, aren't I? The problem with this bunny is that I don't know how to work Enjolras with a fire-breathing dragon into any sort of fic. I don't think it would work in anything but a sweeping AU-type crossover where Enjolras grew up with his dragon which would make things really interesting. (I actually had the vague idea of him leaving the dragon behind in Marseilles on the large family estate while he went to Paris, making up frequent excuses to return home for a month -- but that doesn't exactly work with the idea of Enjolras the militant republican student very well. It DOES get around the two weeks' travel time between Paris and Marseilles because he, having a dragon of his own, would be able to borrow the services of a courier dragon to take him there in a mere few days at most. I'm not sure, though, if the Temeraire series has established how far a courier dragon can go in a day. I mean, Novik might have mentioned it but she also mentions that the couriers cross the Atlantic to Halifax by stopping at Greenland and a strategically placed somewhat-permanently-moored transport somewhere in the fifties. Which I take to mean the poor dragon ends up flying at high latitudes and then down over Greenland to Canada? This requires maps and math to work out. Either way, I'd think a French courier dragon could make it from Paris to the Med in two days, maybe three, so Enjolras sneaking away from Paris to visit his dragon is way more plausible if he only has to be gone a week rather than an entire month or six weeks as he would in a world without dragons or modern transportation.)
...guys, if I complain about being always tired, or that I always go to bed early, it's because my plotbunnies and my anxieties are taking it in turns to wake me up in the middle of the night and keep me awake for hours. D: And make me restless at work too; work has been so hellish lately because all I want is a week or so alone to myself to fuck around eating sleeping reading and writing fic. Sigh. But--my brain generates some shiny ideas and, while I don't think I have the capability of turning these plotbunnies into fics as fabulous as they deserve, I am possibly vain enough to be nudged and encouraged into writing them. :) (No, of course that's not a hint.)
Anyway, going to bed and letting the game end while I fall asleep and/or read the rest of Victory of Eagles. I tore through this series, on second read, in about a week. That's, um 1500 pages? Reading at work, on the couch, in bed, basically everywhere possible any chance I get. I should be able to get through quite the pile on my reading list if I can keep this up with other books, too.