HP Drabble

Apr 08, 2005 03:57

Title: “Evil is Not Sexy”
Rating: G
Word Count: 209
Disclaimer: Not mine even if I change my initials to JKR.

“Did you just call Malfoy a Sex God?” Harry Potter interrupted, seemingly unaware of his spoonful of mashed potatoes clattering back down on his plate.

Lavender and Parvati merely glared at him from across the table, with the latter adding an annoyed sniff as she swiped off a blob off his utensil that had landed on her robes. “We can’t help it if he’s the hottest boy around,” The blonde replied after a shared eyeroll with her companion.

“But he’s an evil git.”

“An evil git with the best bum to grace those awful mustard-colored Quidditch pants.”

“But he’s evil,” Harry reiterated, at the same time wondering just how many brain cells his two housemates have lost over the years from beauty potion fumes.

“Yes, but one who’s also got a great smile.”

And again, I must repeat that he’s…”

Well maybe evil is sexy, all right?” Parvati snapped, her bangles jangling as she slammed her right hand on the table for emphasis.

“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard! Under that logic, Voldemort is the sexiest being on Earth!” Harry froze as he realized that he’d drawn attention to himself again by accidentally yelling out that last bit. Ugh. As if that mental image alone wasn’t bad enough.


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