This won't be the last you'll hear from me: it's just the start.

Oct 22, 2005 09:11

I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would.

Last night was fun. First, we played Halo with Chris and Steve: always good times. Mmm, look sensitivity. Ask Mel for more details. Anyways, then we bought presents for pretty boys and I got yarn for Carly's and Celina's X-mas presents. I think they're gonna turn out really cool. Cel's will be '80s-tastic and Carly's will be fuzzy. Hung out with dorm people last night, which was actually really fun. We walked along Mill and went to Gordon Biersch, where we saw my old roommate Stephanie. Overall good times. When we got back to the dorm, we played Trivial Pursuit. I found two new My So-Called Life fans on our floor, and another Firefly fan. (Stupid Amazon tells me I'm not getting my DVDs until Oct. 31. WTF?) Still paranoid about getting written up when people are drinking in my room, but c'est la vie.

Judges Judges Judges!
Mesa High Tournament, Oct. 28-29

We need an L/D judge for Friday and an IE or L/D judge for Saturday. I know I've been harassing people, but if any of y'all could help RM out, that would be cool. Also, you could make $25-50 bucks. That ain't no scratch.

Today is also exciting because I'm going to give Chris his super-cool, Halo-inspired, semi-matching beanie and beer cozy that I knitted for his birthday. That's right, I found a pattern for a beer cozy.

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