Aug 23, 2006 11:04
My mind is fast becoming unable to process everything that´s going on down here. Not here, per se, DF is chill and peaceful. But the teacher´s strike in Oxaca has reached critical mass, I think. Now, I know that when I say teacher´s strike, one gets an image cut straight out of the simpsons, when Mrs. Krabable is picketing around Skinner´s office, but I think that things are a little more fiesty here. Other unions have joined the strike, and Nico told me that the miners are all on strike in the North. Anyway, last night or this morning they brought the army into Oxaca to ¨keep the peace¨ or whatever absurd phrase folks use to quell uprising. I think the sh*t has definitely begun to hit the fan. Oh, and NC will be glad to know that in Guerrero (the state with passed through on the Estrella de Caca bus) there have been upwards of 5 assassinations a day. ¡Viva las cabezas separadas!¨
But DF is its usual peaceful self. I wonder how long it will last, with the results of the election coming in any day now. Apart from inconsistencies in Chiapas, it doesn´t look good for AMLO.