
Aug 05, 2017 22:40

This is a very good essay, and I will link to it every time I feel like responding to people who say "liberals are stifling free speech" and "liberals are intolerant of other views".

I'm pleased to say that I haven't felt like responding to them with any frequency in the past couple of years.

"{P}rotections {of tolerance} extend only to those who would uphold it in turn. To withdraw those protections from those who would destroy it does not violate its moral principles; it is fundamental to them, because without this enforcement, the treaty would collapse. It is appropriate, even ethical, to answer force with proportional force, when that force is required to restore a just peace. We seek peace because on the whole it is far better than war; but as history has taught us, not every peace is better than the war it prevents."

me, politics, nice to know

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