
Nov 26, 2008 14:22

I love my job. Most of the time. I handle acquisitions at my library, so I for every book JT wants me to buy, I have to make sure we haven't already ordered it and/or received it. I have to search three databases to do this: a spreadsheet, a catalog, and the book ordering website. I don't mind most of this work, except for one thing:


I don't know why it's so hard for me to type it, but I can never manage it the first time. And we have a large enrivon environetmal OH, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN collection in our library, since envirotnemtal law is a hot topic and a major course option here at the law school. So for every global warming (see what I did? HA!) book I order, I enter the E word at least six times in various databases.

It's like me saying "thesaurus." I am unable to say it. The TH and S sounds get mixed up in my mouth, and I sound like a drunk ... or Alan Davies. (Or a drunk Alan Davies.)

I'M SO PROUD OF MY MOTHER! She turned in an essay for her Freshman Comp class and got 98/100. The teacher made several comments about her insight into the main themes of the book she was analyzing and asked if he could use her essay as an example of an excellent paper to show future students! I'm so excited for her, and she is completely thrilled.

work, rant, yay

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