Clangers on a Saturday afternoon

Jan 10, 2009 15:20

When you've got twenty minutes to spare, watch these two, one right after the other.

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Music plays a big part in the Clangers' stories, which is one of the reasons I find them so charming. I'll be loading these tomorrow and showing them to Boo and Squirt.

Boo is giving her first Sacrament Meeting talk tomorrow. They didn't waste any time; she turned twelve and joined the Young Women less than a month ago! Dad's sick, so he won't be there, but Mom's already out there with the Jimbos, and I'll join them for church tomorrow morning. Getting lots of stuff done around the flat today, since I won't be around to do my usual pre-work-week chores tomorrow.

Took a short walk (only 40 minutes) around the neighborhood earlier. It's amazing what a bit of exercise and sunlight can do to lift my mood. I've had some things to think over lately, and while I haven't made any decisions, I think I've managed to see things in a different way, and my priorities are changing a bit. Not sure how much longer I'm going to be involved with fanfiction and that kind of thing; it's brought more discord than pleasure lately. I certainly haven't contributed much good stuff lately, either -- in trying to support a friend, I have incurred the wrath of some influential people -- so I need to give that some thought, too.

youtube, family, meander

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