What I learned about Panic Attacks

Oct 11, 2010 18:58

Definition of a Panic Attack : a discrete period of intense fear in which four or more of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes
Symptoms :

pounding heart or palpitations
shortness of breath
feeling of choking
chest pain
feeling dizzy
fear of going crazy
fear of dying
chills or hot flashes

And the worst thing about them is the fear that they will return. If you feel like a panic attack is coming on, take a few deep breaths. Realize they are a normal fight or flight response.And ride it out. Aside from being extremely unpleasant, they are generally harmless. They only last 10 minutes and don't have enough of an effect on your blood pressure for you to pass out. They just suck, and if you can realize that... everything will be fine.
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