I love reading Hemingway in the morning with some hot coffee in my favorite mug (it's got flowers on it).... It's just a nice way to start the day, it's something simple, something fresh to get me thinking.... This morning it was his short story "A Clean Well Lighted Place." (
http://www.mrbauld.com/hemclean.html --- link if interested, which I'm sure no one is because I highly doubt anyone in their right mind is actaully reading this...)
But anyway, I like journaling to myself so onward I write.
Music I'm currently enjoying: Explosions in the Sky- First Breath After Coma, Florence + The Machine- Cosmic Love, and Tracy Chapman- Fast Car.
Quote I saw today scribbled in black sharpie in the ladies bathroom stall at a cafe: "As if you could kill time without injuring eternity." -Henry David Thoreau. What a nice little philosophic message to read while taking a piss.