Mar 11, 2010 21:06
So, I'm not all together sure what the fuck just happened. I can say though, without a doubt that Katie's "She dumped you again?" line was the funniest thing ever.
Oh and Cook was amazing. He stole every scene.
...Apparently Freddie is dead? I wouldn't know, my livestream died right before the end. So Freddie's dead...ummm... I don't care? Bad? Probably. Though I'm fucking pissed because ep 8 will revolve around him.
Skins = Epic Fail.
Favorite Character now? Pato the Giraffe.
(Why Skins writers? Just why?)
Unseen Skins James Fitch was the best thing this series ever did. Ever. I laughed so hard I cried. (Why don't I have a badass mustache and a grizzle bear to ride?)
--Finally saw the Freddie murder and...okay, I don't like Freddie, I thought he's character was a bit boring and useless...but no one deserves to die like that. NO ONE. I mean Freddie never did anything wrong, he was a good guy. I didn't like him, but he didn't really do anything for me to think, "umm, yeah, okay that murder had some substance/logic wrapped into that," no it really didn't. Skins writers *shakes head* you guys are on some serious crack. When Freddie stopped screaming and slamming on the door, when the blood splattered over the glazed window...I just... I went still and just... I cared about him. I felt so sad.