May 20, 2006 01:17
Quick and incomplete drunken update.
This is the first time I've checked back on LJ for quite a while. Not only have there been huge changes in my life (see past entries for the events which set everything into motion), but on a more positive note, I have found a new addiction.
Yes, I was playing World of Warcraft before... but lord, now I'm in deep. I love it. My friends like to tease me about it, and self-righteous sorts like to talk about how they use their time in better ways than playing videogames-- that they read more or whatnot. Fuck them, I still read every day. The only activities that WoW has replaced is reading magazines... and poor neglected LJ (read: slash). Now, there is nothing inherently unhealthy about reading slash, but I would spend my nights alone, drinking, and reading porn stories about Harry Potter fucking his teacher. I still enjoy drinking, and hell, I still really enjoy imagining that every character of every movie or book are all really gettin' it on, including the entire cast of Harry Potter. The worst part was really the drinking alone aspect... but that coupled with my choice of reading matter... it felt a little unhealthy. So I've temporarily replaced that with hitting things with axes (in videogame form) and talking --mostly in character-- to my guildmates.
Yup, it turns out I like RPing (role-playing). And come to think of it, that's essentially what I was/am doing on LJ anyway... playing up certain characteristics, and acting. Even if I'm acting out some truthful aspect of myself... it's still acting. Ain't nothin' wrong with admitting that, either.
Meh. I don't know where I'm going with this. Time to peek in on what everyone else has been doing.
EDIT-- Oh yeah! I gotta brag for a minute. This is such an unimpressive friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend type of thing, but so what. I guy I know (who also worked for my family's business for a long time) is moving to London to go to some acting school... where he will be studying under Alan Rickman. He's already studied under him before... and since this guy is quite nice to look at, I really like to think of him studying under Alan Rickman, wink wink nudge nudge.