Blog #9

Nov 21, 2006 11:22

Almost near the end now. I'm finding that everything is starting to work it's way out and that's a huge relief. I honestly didn't see how I was going to be able to get everything done on time, or at all!

First, is the readings that I missed from last week, "Comics". This was an interesting view on comics. I never thought to really examine how they are structured or what can be taken from them. I can admit that i'm not really a comic reader. It's just not something that I got into when I was younger. My opinion on comics is a bit weak and un-informative at best so this piece really helped me get it. This seemed like a bit of a review on comics. It discussed their structure, meanings and used an example to show how they are constructed. The dialogue from "Li'l Abner" was a bit tough to read but once you get how it sounds into your head it was actually pretty funny. I guess that it sets the tone for the character that you're reading. I found the part about the "Katzenjammer Kids" was interesting but a bit redundant. He explained what was happening twice and that made it less interesting. I realized that even though i'm not much of a comic enthusiast, I can still pick out the signals that the writer uses to help identify what is happening. Like, wavy lines to signal a smell or that the character is running. I guess it's kind of become a part of our culture, well the satirical comics at least. I also didn't realize that a comic is different from a cartoon. Learn something new everyday...

On to the explorations..."The Travel Writing Portal" was really useful. I'm not sure yet if i'll be doing something like this for my article but I browsed through it anyways. I found a piece by Rick Steves, who I think is brilliant. His shows are really great at showing how to travel on a low cost budget. He's been everywhere and I think that he's very credible as a travel writer. His piece on "How to Become a Travel Writer" was interesting. I guess he's right in that it helps to be a traveller first! There were other sections on the webpage though that seemed very technical. It would be something to look over if you were considering getting into the business.

The, "Travel Writing 101" was useful also. I went directly to the 'Writing Tips' and read what Anika Scott had to say about writing. I like how she broke down an article to the lead, the nut graph, body and kicker. Reading through her explanations helped to put these ideas into greater perspective because I thought that she was out there.... She also mentioned being very detailed in what you are talking about and to use a little humour to make it an interesting article to read.

I'm not sure how i'm going to approach this paper. Heck, I don't even know what i'm going to write an article about. This will be a tough one to pin down an idea but i'm excited to see how it turns out. I'm not thinking that this style is for everyone but it will be good to figure it out anyways.
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