Daydream Charm Ch. 2

Apr 19, 2011 19:30

Here is the second chapter of my little project. I have 5 written so far, and I am just going to post them all right now. However, I am in law school, and finals are looming so until those are over I won't have any new material. Please leave a comment! I love feedback!

Chapter 2

Hermione raced down the stairs of the Burrow, murder in her eyes. “FRED! COME OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!” She skidded to a stop as she reached the kitchen, where a shocked looking Mrs. Weasley was in the middle of preparing her bedtime tea.
“Oh my, what have they done now, dear?” the older woman asked wearily. The war had been tough on Mrs. Weasley, leaving her a little grayer, but no less fierce in her love for her family. The twins however exhausted even her last resources of strength.
“Ummm, sorry Mrs. Weasley-“
“Molly, dear. I insist.”
“Err, alright Molly. It seems that one of the twins slipped something into my food at dinner this evening. I would guess it was Fred due to the um, content of the daydream I had.” Hermione could feel her cheeks heat up as she admitted the last part and desperately hoped Mrs. Weasley wouldn’t press her further. All she really wanted to do was find that vile trickster and let him have it!
“Content?” Mrs. Weasley asked. Then she sighed theatrically. “Ahh me, I just don’t think I can deal with their pranks tonight, poor old lady that I am. I must have used just the last bit of energy I had creating dinner. Be a dear and Floo on over to their flat and punish them for me would you?” She finished this little speech with a grin that would have done Ginny or one of the twins themselves proud.
“Oh Molly, anything to thank you for letting me stay with you this summer!” Hermione answered with a grin of her own. Mrs. Weasley condoning and even giving her permission to punish the twins? Excellent! She winked at the now laughing woman and headed over to the fireplace.
“Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!” She stepped into the green flames and whooshed out of sight.

Fred Weasley was a bit confused. Normally, when he and George created something they tested it on themselves until it was ready for production. In this case though, since they had only changed the original Daydream Charm spells a little, they thought it would be ok. Really they had only added a little pinch of Eros Amore potion to the existing recipe, it should only have made the dream a little steamier, not done anything to harm the person who took it. And since they had snuck the ground up pill into Hermione’s tea at dinner, and it was now almost ten at night, there should have definitely been a reaction by now. Hermione would not just let something like a passionate daydream slide without punishment.
Unless, unless… Fred was struck by a sudden thought. Unless, the bookworm princess extraordinaire Hermione Granger had dreams like that on a regular basis! Blimey! Maybe beneath that massive brain and prim schoolgirl façade the lovely Miss Granger’s imagination ran as wild as her hair. No, couldn’t be. Not Hermione…
“Oi, Freddie! You need the hospital mate?”
“What, what are you talking about George?” Fred asked, unsettled by his thoughts.
“Well it appeared that you were thinking hard about something. Didn’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“Thanks for that George. I was thinking though, shouldn’t we have had some sort of reaction from Hermione by now? She drank the laced tea hours ago. I was just starting to worry seeing as we didn’t do our usual product checks on this one. Could something have gone wrong with the added passion booster?”
“C’mon Fred. Nothing went wrong. She’s probably just too embarrassed to face us after her experience of heretofore undiscovered pleasure. I mean have you ever met someone who screams virgin like Granger? She was too young for anything with Krum a few years back, and knowing ickle Ronnikins, I doubt he ever manned up enough to make a move. Plus they lived together in a tent for months, hunting pieces of old Moldywarts’ soul. I doubt even our twinny charm could win a girl over after sharing an experience like that. Therefore, she’s inexperienced and has to analyze what happened for hours before a confrontation. We’re in the clear for tonight at least, probably forever. The worst I am preparing for is a very pink cheeked bookworm next time we go to the Burrow.”
“If you say so…”
“I do. C’mon, Angie and Katie want to meet us at the Leaky for drinks, and who are the Weasley twins to deny two lovely ladies our company?” George grinned and grabbed his wand off the counter. He walked to the gaudy purple and green-framed mirror they had put up next to the front door and winked at his reflection. “Merlin I get better looking every time I pass this thing! Let’s go!”
Fred stood up and looked around for his wand, spotting it on the mantle above the fireplace. He walked over to grab it when green flames shot up in the grate and he was knocked over by the person barreling through into the apartment. His breath left him in a whoosh as both he and their guest fell to the floor. He tried to suck in a breath but got a mouthful of curly brown hair instead. Uhoh, he thought, realizing who was on top of him. And whoa! Even though she was tense from anger and the fact that she had just fallen through a fireplace, Hermione felt incredibly soft and warm on top of him. And the soft mounds that were currently squashed against his chest, when had those grown in?
“Fred Weasley if you don’t let me go this instant I am going to hex you so badly that George won’t even recognize you!”
Fred shot a panicked look to his twin, who stared right back and promptly apparated out of the flat. Deciding to be brave, Fred unwrapped his arms from the witch squirming against him and both got to their feet.
“Hermione I’m wounded!” Fred exclaimed, putting a hand up to his heart. “What have I done to offend thee, fair maiden?” He secretly hoped that some of his customary humor would diffuse the anger he could see radiating from her eyes. I guess she isn’t accustomed to passion filled daydreams, he thought just the tiniest bit disappointed.
“As if you didn’t know! What on earth did you drug me with tonight?” She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.
Fred recognized this stance from watching her fight with Ron. This was Hermione getting ready for a real row, not simply a prefectly lecture. Maybe he should try to get her out of anger mode, and change his tactics a little bit. He stepped a little closer to her, invading her personal space just a little. “Just answer me one question,” he requested in a husky tone, “did you like it?”
Hermione gasped, and gulped a little, the memory of her recent romantic encounter with this man causing her heart to speed up. She could feel the angry tension draining out of her, only to be replaced by a different sort of energy as the full implications of his question sank in. She felt a blush rising in her cheeks as she involuntarily took a step back.
“That, that is not the issue here Fred!” She attempted a stern tone, but her damn hormones got in the way of that, and she sounded a little too breathless for her own comfort. She could see a slight smirk forming on Fred’s admittedly adorable face, and some of her anger came back. “You slipped something into my dinner, and I have told you and George time and again that I am not one of your guinea pigs! I am not a first year that you can pay to test your products, or Ron, who is brave enough to fight Bellatrix Lestrange, but for some reason won’t stand up to you two! Now I am expecting an apology and an explanation for the vision of the two of us cavorting that you planted in my head and your stern promise that this won’t happen again!”
Fred had to fight a grin from forming as he listened to Hermione rant. He could see why Ron had had a crush on her during school; she really was magnificent when something got her dander up. Her honey colored eyes flashed almost golden, and her cheeks turned a charming pink color when she yelled. And her hair, ohhh man, why hadn’t he noticed that her hair was just begging to be grabbed by a man leaning in for a kiss? It was like a chocolate nimbus swirling around her head, exaggerating every point she made as it stuck out madly, fighting her attempts to secure it behind her ears. Shit! No! Focus, you need to come up with something really quick here Fred! Explain, don’t fantasize about how much you want to hold her hair out of the way as you snog her senseless!
“Uhhh, yeah about that Hermione. See, George and I had an idea for an expansion of one of our Patented Daydream Charms, making them a bit more, shall we say adult themed. The way we changed the formula around though, means that the person taking the pill will fantasize about the person who made it. In your incredibly lucky case, you got a charm created by yours truly, and since the only other females at dinner were my mum and my sister, you were the best candidate for testing. And no, I know George and I are close, but a sexual fantasy about my twin is not an extreme that even I would go to for a wheeze.” There, clinical, reasonable, she can’t find fault with that one… right?
Hermione listened to Fred’s explanation without interruption, keeping her arms crossed tight across her chest. She felt an unexpected pang of hurt that the only reason he had chosen her as a test subject was the simple fact of her availability at the dinner table.
Fred watched the hurt pass through her eyes and mentally kicked himself. No girl wants to hear that she was simply the last resort. Come on you idiot! Get her mad again. He cast his eyes down a little ashamed, but got distracted by the swell of her breasts, more pronounced with her arms crossed tightly beneath them. No, lock it up Weasley!
“I guess that is a reasonable answer,” she returned. “But do not use me like that without my consent again please. I appreciate a good bit of magic as much as the next person but really, a little warning would be nice! Although, I do have to admit, it was, um, good.”
Fred’s head snapped immediately up as she uttered that last statement. “Good huh? Well, we Weasleys have a reputation to uphold. Shag like bunnies and all that, I would hope it’s, what did you say, good.” He smirked, emphasizing the last word.
“No, I, I uh… Merlin, Fred that isn’t what I meant!” Hermione sputtered, embarrassed by the unintentional double entendre. “The magic! The spell and potions work that you put in! It was impressive. That is all I was commenting on!” She felt her cheeks flaming again, and spun quickly away to hide her face. Unfortunately her momentum carried her into the edge of the mantel, and her head bounced off of the stone with a resounding CRACK! She fell to the floor with an agonized moan.
“Shit! Hermione!” Fred ran to the girl on the floor, grabbing his wand and cursing. He hadn’t meant to get her so flustered! “Hermione! Are you alright? Answer me!”
Hermione groaned and brought her hands up to the knot forming on her forehead. She could feel tears in her eyes and her head hurt like the devil, but she knew it wasn’t anything serious. “Ugh, I’m fine, just get me some ice or a pain potion would you?”
“Yeah we have some downstairs in the lab. I will be right back! Don’t move!”
Fred ran into the hallway and down the stairs. He wrenched to lab door open and grabbed a blue vial from the top of his workbench. Running upstairs, he burst back into the apartment and found that Hermione had already conjured a towel full of ice and was holding it to her head. “Here,” he said, handing her the bottle as he conjured a glass of water as well. “This potion has a nasty taste to it you are going to need this too.”
Hermione rearranged the ice and downed the vial of potion while he spoke. She reached for the water and gave him a quizzical look.
“Fred what are you talking about? This tastes rather sweet. I hardly need water to wash it do----.”
Fred looked on in horror as Hermione’s eyes seemed to glaze over and her words cut off. He looked a little closer at the vial in her hand and saw the interlocking W’s on the label, as well as the bright pink star that he and George put on all products that were still in trial. “Noooooo!” He moaned, belated realizing that instead of a vial of the general pain potion that he kept on his desk, he had just handed Hermione an entire bottle of the new Daydream Charm formula, the equivalent of ten pills. Fred could only watch and wait until Hermione came out of the spell, and boy was he not looking forward to her reaction when she woke up.

daydream charm

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