AnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAnaAna'a Home!
Razz, Britt and I got her at the airport yesterday. They lost all of their luggage, so it took a long time before we could figure out that they put the "missing luggage people" in a special enclosed room. We stood on one side of the glass wall, held up our signs, and one of the other passengers got Ana's attention. She came over to hug us through the glass as well reached up and patted her head on the other side of the glass. we stood there, in a barricaded group hug for a few seconds before security came over, tapped Britt on the shoulder, and said "Er, um, you CAN go inside to say hi if you want to."
I cleaned the lip marks and finger prints off of the glass as best as I could before heading in for a real hug.
She looks good, was happy to see people, and happier still to have food that wasn't Falafel and Hummous. She requested Charley's Kitchen, which was easy enough to accomodate.
However, not all is glory and smells like roses.
I got home, took Sadie out to pee, and before the auto light came on, I heard her tear after something. I assumed it was a squirrel, but after she triggered the light, I realized it wasn't a squirrel- it was a rather pissed off skunk. Sadie now has a really BAD hair cut around her face and neck. When the skunk sprayed, she was close enough that the spray stained her coat yellow. I figured if I could get that off quickly enough, things would be easier to deal with. I did such a hack job, but all I had were really tiny scissors and no light on the balcony since I didn't wish to let her inside to do the work.
I washed her in baking soda, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide- just what the doctor ordered. That is what we recommend at the animal hospital. It didn't get rid of everything, but I can only imagine how bad it would have been if I hadn't gone through all of those other methods of remedy, it would have smelled as if the skunk sprayed in the apartment. I burned a lot of incence and some candles last night to help cover some of the musky scent. She did sleep on the balcony last night (so I didn't sleep very well- I felt so badly for her just sitting there, outside in the chill, watching the traffic, thinking that she did something wrong).
I called the groomer this morning in the hopes that they will call me back by 10 am today. If so, I'll take her in to get shaved. This is going to be good for two reasons: It's summer, and she is so uncomfortable. I feel so badly that she can't walk around the block without panting like she's doing lamaz. I haven't shaved her in the past because she does sunburn. Her skin is really pink. I have to put sunscreen on her nose when we're out for an extended amount of time because even that does burn, and it burns badly. I'll have to figure something out when we're in the sun, but for now, I have to shave her to get all the smell out. It's not bad, but it is noticable. I live with three other people, and it's not fair to them.