All right, so I meant to post an announcement earlier, but it seems December sneaked up on me. I'm doing a winter advent ficlet thingie. Which basically means I'm gonna write and post a fic/drabble a day until the shortest day of the year, December 21. After that, we start to gain daylight, and I will be so glad. This getting dark at five thing sucks. My sister gave me a list of twenty-one 'themes' to write about. It was my intention to make them all Tolkien-verse, but some of them specifically require another fandom, so they're all labeled like below.
So, here's the first one. I still have two fics to write from my list, but I should be able to get them done by my deadline.
World: Lord of the Rings
Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings was written by JRR Tolkien, is licensed all over the place, and is losing no money from my writing of this ficlet. No harm intended.
Warnings: None.
Rating: G
Notes: I wish it was longer, but to add more would ruin it completely.
Theme: "A pony for Estel."
Summary: It's Estel's seventh birthday.
Wordcount: 372
Winter Advent #1
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Her mane was white, like freshly fallen snow. Estel held his pudgy hands up to her side, and she turned her big gray head to look at him. Her tail held mixed red strands through the white, and her hindquarters were speckled with more red hairs, but her mane was white, and it was as soft as silk.
It was unusually warm for March, but Estel had still been forced to wear a short jacket. It was tight and itchy, and he had complained incessantly about it from the moment he stepped outside. Then, they had led him here, and had shown him this little mare, and-- He grinned just by thinking about it. A pony of his own!
He bounced in the saddle as he walked her around the paddock, and with every bump he shrieked in delight. His sticky fingers -- a result from his breakfast of honey-drenched cakes -- clutched at the saddle and reins. Small bells had been sewn into the reins, and there was a constant jingle as they walked.
His brothers watched from the rail of the fence, grins on their identical faces. "Do you like her?" Elrohir asked, and there was even a smile in his voice.
Estel squealed in reply and hugged the pony's neck, nearly causing him to tumble from the saddle. Her mane stuck to his hands and he giggled as he tried to pull it off, but could not. The mare plodded along without so much as a backwards glance, but perhaps an annoyed swish of her tail. They circled around the paddock five times, but on the start of the sixth, Elladan stopped them and patted the mare on her neck with one hand and removed Estel's fingers from her mane with the other.
"What will you name her?" Elladan asked when he finished. He glanced at his hands distastefully as the honey had migrated to his own fingers.
Estel did not even think about his answer. He had wanted his very own pony for so long that he had imagined and fantasized about this moment many times. "Rochallor!" he cried and there was a flurry of ringing bells as he moved her into a swift trot around the paddock.