fever: noun

Nov 14, 2006 17:14

fever: noun an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium.

and in some even more severe cases, this:

um, yeah. story: i went to bed last night around ten, but couldn't sleep because my stomach couldn't decide whether it really wanted to eat, or it really wanted to throw up. so i dragged my ass out of bed around 1:30 am to eat some soup and take some nyquil, then laid back down until 3:30 when i finally fell asleep. well sometime between then and when i woke up at 8:30, i apparently thought it would be a really good idea to go into the bathroom and cut huge chunks out of my hair! what do i remember of this experience? nothing. nada. zip. i have no fucking clue what time it happened, let alone what was going through my head. i went into the bathroom this morning and was greeted with above sink full of my hair. *stunned* *mortified* *gasp* luckily it doesn't look all that bad. i gave myself some weird longish bangs and a shitload of uneven layers that frame my face. it could be worse. ill post pics when i get it evened out a bit and actually wash my hair. fuck sickness. lesson of the day: don't nyquil and fever, it equals bad news bears.

so i went to the hospital this morning because my other good morning surprise was white spots on swollen tonsils. sure fire strep throat. so i made an appointment and went in for a throat culture. this is health care these days: 1. the nurse didn't believe me when i told her how much i weighed. i guess this is flattering, but god damn! how many times do i have to say "yes, i am *** pounds!" 2. the closest kaiser to me has valet parking because the lot is really small and they double park patients that will be there longer than others. this is good service for really old people and those who, like e, probably shouldn't be driving in their current state anyway, let alone parking. but i'll tell you what isn't good service; getting hit on by the valet. i mean seriously, what the fuck? dude, i'm running a temperature of 102, i have a super nasty bacteria festering in the back of my throat, i obviously haven't showered in three days, and you know there's something wrong with me because i going into fucking immediate care. what is your problem?

i also did a bit of drawing today. all of my favorite black markers are out of ink and i'm realizing that i really am shit without them. please excuse crappy scans:

p.s. - i should fill in that back shoe, huh?
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