DFW Workday Meetup - 2009.06.07

Jun 14, 2009 13:20

Last weekend a few of us got together for a work day meetup. I think I've mentioned it and I really enjoyed myself. I took a few pictures as well so I thought I would share them.

And one doll I am sooo seriously infatuated with right now... Kyrenea's Resinsoul An, Skylar... I adore this boy to bits!

kerikochan's kids

And then I think I might have found Reito's place... he's truely gonna make me a great kitty boy...I think maybe Ryu should have a cat in my story and Reito as the doll is the human cat boy ver of the cat. I could also draw him in cute little omakes and stuff for when I seriously get down to drawing up, or getting someone to draw up, my comic scripts.

I did mention I was obsessed with Skylar right? Well, the obsession furthered when we got him restrung on the tighter end with some 3mm elastic from cool-cat. The stuff resinsoul/bobobie puts in their dolls is some of the crappiest elastic ever... this boy can do soo much more and pose sooo much after just a little restringing...not even any sueding.

We JUST finished restringing him and then I lifted him by the s-hook and just sat him down onto his feet and he stood just like this. Before he flipped and flopped and while he would stand, you could easily waste a good 5-10min getting him to stand long enough to get just a pic or two out of it before he'd just topple down. And his arms would not stay up like this at all....

Some more pics of him after his head went back on and I played with him looking far too cute for his own slutty good.

And last but not least a totally NON DOLL picture... This was actually part of a bigger shot but I cropped it down becuase this image just amused me far too much and I told her I was totally gonna make this a macro.... kerikochan here it is....You have total free range of use if you wanna do something with it yourself...

And I love how you can just see Lilia with your hat on just on the other side of the machine

dfw, meetup, photos

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