So meet Kazuhiko...

Dec 16, 2008 22:46

As some know since they saw me Saturday I got Kazuhiko's body and he's all in one piece now. I really hated how I recieved him and the way the string in his body is... I had to restring his legs upon arrival because of the way the elastic was left at the top of the body.... and might I say what a bitch that was to do... Leekeworld I hate you btw.... I would have restrung his arms because his arm knot is stuck in his shoulder, but it is too tight to even pull out to cut it which pisses me off... I also was reserving my eleastic for more restringing.

Okay I know this post is supposed to be about kazuhiko, but can anyone believe I freakin restrung 5 dolls between 2pm and 2am this past saturday afternoon,evening, early sunday morning. Yes really I did 5. 2 just the legs, the other 3 complete restringing, and 2 with kips! resiniverous really loves the kips and from what I can conclude I think iris0110 likes them too.

But back to Kazuhiko....
I still need to redo his faceup, and I think I'm gonna try to get a luts shaped donut for his head because the one from leeke barely works because the string is too thick for it. it's seriously really small...But yah, I don't have any snazzy photoshoot or story, and just one pic, but I really wanna let everyone know this new guy!

I really should post more intros like this with the extended info that's not up in my profile page. Kazuhiko is part of the "Plastic Lips" storyline.

Name: Kazuhiko (last name pending)
Nickname: bou-chan
Age: 27
Birthday: Sept 16
Anniversary: Dec 13
Hobbies: playing guitar and sleeping
Occupation: Music Producer, ex guitarist for the band Queen Cup

new doll, kazuhiko, oneshot, cliffe, leekeworld

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