Last day of being 23...

Oct 02, 2007 19:21

Bad news: I have period pain like a bastard, and I am trying to put off doing my shorthand homework as long as possible.

Good news: I don't have to be up until 7am tomorrow, the various relatives have sent me a pretty good cash injection and obviously, birthday tomorrow!!

Ross decided that since Tom and Kenno had given me my pressies early, he was going to get in on everything as well. So... I am now the very chuffed owner of Optimash Prime, a gorgeous Naruto figurine, and the Battling Movie Prime and Megatron set, which got tested out immediately on the kitchen counter. Prime [me] kicked Megatron's [Tom] ass 5 - 2. That set has so much potential... ^_^

And finally, I'm no longer working at Phoenix, mainly since I couldn't work the hours, I didn't like the job and schlepping out to Springkerse was killing me. Also the flatmates didn't like the idea of me walking back from there at night. It's nice to get worried over by people who aren't your parents. ^_^

Tom, bless him, recommended me to his boss for a zero hour contract, and I met him today for a quick chat. All seemed to go well, he's happy that I know vaguely what I need to do, he's got no problems letting me work in the GAME in Debenhams, so he's just going to talk things over with Tom and Paul and then let me know, probably via Tom.

So roll on October 3rd and being 24. Scary!

Mel xxx
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