Feb 24, 2010 19:50
Why is it that whenever I have problems that are covered under insurance my insurance company goes incredibly stupid. To say that they are vapid would be a insult to the word. If I am calling you all effin day log to find out if my car is ready yet because you were suposed to have it ready for pickup in the morning. Why would you call me 30min before you close to tell me that my car is now ready for pickup. And when I tell you that I only work a short distance from where you are and that I am on my way would you not wait a few minutes extra? Especially when you call me 10 min later to offer me a unexceptionable solution. Realy, we put your car out front unlocked and you can just lock the keys of your rental in the rental. But oh yeah if anything happens to it you are responsible. You have already shown you utter fail at ordering a bumper (Which they still have not get correct) why would I trust you with that? Seriously how effin hard is it to order a bumper part. But I degress...
So I fight my way through traffic to make it their in acceptable time to find that they have locked up and gone home for the night. After I told you repeatedly that I was on my way and that I was planning on going out of town tomorrow and could not bring it in (And now I will have to... fuckers). And I called you multiple times through out the day to find out what was going on. You call this "Concierge Service"? I call it the worst service I have had in a long time. Hell I've gotten better customer service from a night clerk at a hotel 8. Thank you progressive insurance for fucking up my day. I missed my lunch waiting for you to effin call. I had to burn a hour of PTO because of you. Hell I had better service with E-surance and they only screwed me out of a days work and messed up my car rental. But at least they fixed my effin car.