Jul 01, 2007 17:58
alright sooo this whole me and joos thing is just probably not gonna work out and i dont care anymore. Of course theres a part of me that still likes him but as nearly as much as i use to.
Currently all he is doing is leading me and im getting sick of waiting. Honestly he really did have me. But he just teased me.
So what made me mad was that he got all pissed at me for texting tim!! are u kidding me !!!! How can he even get mad at me for texting him, harmless texts. Were friends. Which is why he makes me if hes not gonna make a move and or express how he feels then yes im gonna start talking to new guys in general. Because i cant wait forever and at this point im done.
It probably is better that we be friends. I even talked to murph and he told me he thinks he just sees me as a friend and if so i wish joos would just tell me taht honestly iwouldt not be sad..i would be relieved because what hes doing is stupid.
But i dont care anymore if he wants to get mad at me so be it then. He HAD me. But he basically took me for granted. Im starting to lose interest, which is why im not all over him as much i use to be. Because nothing is happening. Im not the kinda girl thats into hook ups. I dont really kiss guys that im not going out with the only reason i kissed joos is because i honestly thought something was gonna happen between us.
after all that is going on i think its best if me and him just stay friends of course and let go of the fling we had. Because this is ridiculous im getting emotionally tired.
maybe something will happen between me and him in future but as of now im over it.
ill talk to whoever i want i DO NOT need permission. I put myself out there for him everything was on him from there it just sucked he didnt take me or decide to meet me half way...but owell fuck it thats life sometimes.