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Mar 02, 2006 00:13

Quick update before I watch "Shadows."

Courtesy of kirei_seimei, any Jensen or Dark Angel fan must read this "Jensen Ackles casting anecdote" Find it here: http://tightropegirl.livejournal.com/8725.html#cutid1 It's so interesting when someone offers a glimpse 'behind-the-scenes.'  It helps us fans (us 'ordinaries' :P Though even as I write it, I resent the term *huffs at self*) maneuver around the Hollywood glitz and constructed characters to find out that teensy bit more about our favourite guy.  Plus, it's a fun read.

Speaking of Dark Angel, both mellaithwen and kage_alz; have raised the fact that the DA fandom has very few stories that actually provide sufficient Alec angst while remaining true to the characters. In a lot of fics, Logan tends to be turned into either an evil psycotic or a simpering moron, while Max forgets she's a kick-ass fem, and Alec turns into the whishy-washy lover who forgets that he's one yummy bad ass.

So! I figured I'd use this quick update to recommend some DA stories that are not only fun reads, but that stick (more or less) to the canon characterizations. I'm no authority on this fandom, by any means. But I am a tongue-lolling, drool-spewing, heart-thumping fan of all things Jensen, so I do have *some* knowledge of this world. If my knowledge of the Supernatural world is the equivalent of a PhD, then my understanding of the DA fandom is more along the lines of a Undergraduate Degree. Perhaps with Honours. But perhaps not. (Has my point been lost in this analogy? I can't seem to escape school - it creeps in everywhere :P)

"Angel of Death" by Nimitz4.  It's a heavy,  angsty,  violent, (sort of)torture fic.  But if you're into that stuff,  it's very well done. Writing these sort of fics takes talent! It's so easy to sway into either melodrama or bland cardboard telling. I thought this one pulled off a nice balance.

2. "Metamorphosis I: Regression", by Flidais.  A series, that is not only well-written and entertaining, but very in-character despite the challenge it must have been to write this. Logan's characterization is still a bit below par compared to the series, but any Alec fan won't care after getting into this story, since it does Alec great justice.  It really manages to explore Alec's character without wringing him away from his smart-assed cuteness. It's different - let's leave it at that.

3. "Metamorphosis II: Agrgession" by Flidais. The next installment in the series which I presume will be more of a Max/Alec thing - I've yet to read it all (life gets busy and my Supernatural obsession can sometimes eat intomy other ones) but the few chapters that I've read so far are almost squeal-worthy for how in-character they portray Max and Alec.

4. "Dean and Alec Save the day" by Deanaholic. This one looks like it may never be updated, but it's one of the few DA/SN crossovers I've come across. And,  you have to admit, Dean meeting Alec definitely sparks some interest. Here the idea is tackled tentatively, but has plenty of potential.

5. mellaithwen  has recommended the fic by Restive Nature. One specifically, actually, but I don't know the name of it.

That's it for now! If you do end up reading any of these stories, don't forget to leave our friendly authors a review (speaking of, better go dotht myself :P)

Also adelheide has started a fanfic-centered LJ dedicated to posting completed stories (of any fandom) with the express aim of, in her words, "creat[ing] a fannish space without the fannish politics and garbage." Go, post your stories! All comments are screened, so no negative, unhelpful (you know, mean) comments will be allowed. A place to simply read and express your joy at doing so. Here's the url: fangirly_fic

That's it from me tonight, I want to go watch "Shadows," dammit! I don't care if it's midnight and I got class tomorrow and I haven't done my readings (I got my hair layered for free instead :P Yay for having friends in the business who need willing guinea pigs. It turned out good,if you're wondering. Which you're probably not. So i'll shut up about my hair), I'm watching Supernatural!

fanfic recs, dark angel, my hair, interesting links

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